I just want it on PC bros

I just want it on PC bros...

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no one wants this trash.

I have a ps4 as well, and I've played it multiple times, I just want it on the platform I prefer where I can just click on it and play instead of having to turn on my ps4, disconnect my headset from pc, conenct it to ps4 etc

and it will obviously run better on PC as well

Soon, brother. Three hours.

make it one

I think we'll eventually see it. In the same sense that they're allowing Horizon Zero Dawn, because it's not a console seller like Uncharted or God of War for example.

never EVER

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>In the same sense that they're allowing Horizon Zero Dawn
Why does it have to be a shitty game like that though

why are you laughing about it though?

why is this game even hyped? it was fun but just feels like every other from game. nothing special

>played it already
>still want it on pc
people who don't want their games with better performance might as well not play vidya at all and should be hanged like the niggers they are

also I feel like if it's on PC, it's going to be around forever, like you can play pretty much anything from any generation on PC at this point, and even with ps5 ALLEGEDLY supporting ps4 games, they still said not all titles would be available on launch

Horizon is coming to PC, there is still hope for BB.

Woah, is this your first day on Yas Forums, talking to Sony frens?


>Horizon is coming to PC
I didn't mind 30 fps in bloodborne, but I hated it in HZD and couldn't play it. I don't know why but it felt really laggy despite everyone saying bloodborne was the laggy one

so I may give it another try on PC

Please Mr. Goldface I really want it


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this comic worth reading?

No, in fact it ruins the game if you play it then read it.

stay far away.

roger that

t. no one


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if it ever gets released on PC, we can finally find the location of the 30% rally rune unless its already been found

Yeah no one wants one of the best FromSoft with a fucking decent frame rate, and frame pacing. No one!

Haha, pathethic PCfags... when will you learn?

This game is for PlayStation ONLY! It was that way in the beginning, it will be that way in the end. This is OUR game... not yours. You may read the wiki... or watch playthroughs on YouTube... or browse the lore threads... but you will never EVER get to enjoy it firsthand. This is the way things are.

Got a problem with this? Then I advise you to cope, seethe and have sex. Not necessarily in that order.

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Wow, you're not even trying anymore.

shut up you retard.


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I will die happy for Bloodborne to never come to another platform.

Oh whats that you say? Emulation? haha enjoy. I relish in the fact you will never LEGITIMATELY be able to play, only fake play the game.

hows the 30fps slideshow consolenigger

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Huh, what's the comic about?

That's just the plain truth
Bloodborne will NEVER be on PC
Accept it and move on. It will never be played by the likes of you.

You will never see bloodborne in 60fps 8k with mods because sony fags want it to be stuck on a piece of shit console

If you want to you can emulate but meh, I never liked the idea of dark souls without shields.

How's the 0fps, PCtranny?

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Fuck off, I have bought your piece of shit hardware just for this game and it's the only purpose it has served these last few years, now I want to play it with a decent framerate and resolution.

>bought a PS4 Pro for Red Dead 2 alone
>bought Bloodborne with it while it was on sale
>them jaggies
>that chromatic aberration
>sub 30fps

Don't know how these people put up with it.

After playing it several times it seems like the game was designed alongside its current frame rate. 60 FPS would probably make it to easy wouldn’t it?

it just made me more confused

But I already played it on PC with PSNow.

>Bloodborne will forever remain pure and unsullied by PC mod/hackfaggotry
We will play it as the devs intended, while you will not play it at all, just as the devs intended.
Keep wanting all you like
Also you may have played it but you will never truly appreciate it, PCtrannies are incapable of appreciating real games like Bloodborne

> instead of having to turn on my ps4, disconnect my headset from pc, conenct it to ps4 etc

Wow, sounds like a fucking chore m8

I'm afraid that desire will simply never come to fruition.

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not necessarily easier but it would help in all those parts with massive frame drops.