Spend years as a console fag

>spend years as a console fag
>always wanted a gaming PC
>finally build one with a decnt CPU and GPU
>all I do with it is play NTR VNs

Suggest some good games to stress my hardware PChads, I want something to hold my interest.

Attached: 2020-04-19 (1).jpg (3840x2160, 590.56K)

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What the fuck is wrong with you?

RTS games are good on PC. Try the newer dawn of war games if you’re into 40k.

What VN?

welcome to the dark side
enjoy your 1k shitposting rpg maker maschine

>not playing NTR RPG maker games instead

Attached: SYS001-008.jpg (427x419, 100.7K)

Never mind I found it.

Is this just a VN about Bandit Keith cucking a Japanese guy?

Attached: Bandit_Keith.png (360x450, 188.08K)

how does this textractor work and how do you set it up?

I’ve coomed to it so much this last week I’m pretty sure I’ve given myself a zinc deficiency

Download it. Change system locale to Japanese. Attach it to a VN. It’s pretty simple YouTube videos guides are like 2 minutes long if you get stuck.

does it work with other games like rpg maker shit ?
i want to play succumate

>NTR with husbands loli daughter
real shit

This is why you have a PC. On a console, you play what the game companies want you to play, on a PC, you play whatever your want to play. Now resource intensive games are not better by nature, and you only need a strong PC for 3D console-tier s o y games

>Not wanting to continuously stress your penis, desu~

Try [煩悩本舗] ヤンヅマ心春 ~お前の嫁は俺のモノ~

VNR is superior, and yes it works. Just get accustom to the English gibberish.

Attached: ntr.jpg (800x600, 131.34K)

High end games are all shit no matter the platform.

>blonde blue eyed
>name is Daniel Garcia
What do you think?

Attached: 68905.jpg (250x300, 21.76K)



bitcoin miner

I'm also interested in one that works with rpgmaker. I'm learning Japanese, and it would be fun to try playing something like that

>Suggest some good games to stress my hardware PChads
There aren't any. There a plenty of games to stress your hardware, but good ones? No luck. The only way to play good games on PC is via emulation.

it says translation error nigger

which version of RPGM?
for 2000 games you probably want ITHVNR instead (sadly doesn't work with easyrpg)

the one with the red dragon

that's usually vx ace I think. Normally game devs name the version somewhere.

Select the right string once it’s attached

Attached: 1578488664175.jpg (666x1537, 405.36K)


NTR is the thinking mans fetish

i did

What's wrong with letting your wife fuck other men as you watch? That means you love her

>console cuck it's a cuck

NTR is the chaddest fetish if it’s Netori, or you self insert as the chad

The fuck is wrong with you

>Loli NTR
I see. I get it