You know how it goes, lads

You know how it goes, lads.
>preferred model
>preferred case/accessories
>favourite games
>what do you use yours for?
>why do you think it was so underrated?
I snagged a pic related the other day at a retro store for less than $100. Suffice it to say, I'm more than impressed. Ordered an SD2Vita cart and a proper case. Working on packaging eBoots and junk this week in preparation. Spent the night fixing some clients' computers and playing SMB All-Stars during file transfers. I can't even begin to describe how perfect this console is for emulation. Absolutely based and, dare I say, kinopilled.

Attached: playstation-vita-aqua-blue-beauty-shot-01-us-25aug15.jpg (1482x1080, 120.16K)

I'm pleased to see a fellow enlightened.

>I don't give a fuck about model
>I don't give a fuck about case or accessories
>project diva
>rhythm games, game boy advance games, psp games
>Consumers are mostly retard

I've seen so much praise for the Vita on Yas Forums. I remember when it first came out, if was quite disappointing. Nevertheless, it's apparently easy to hack and quite nice.

I took a deeper look into it, and it's such a nice handheld, apparently. I've only seen images and videos. I've been considering getting one, but truthfully, I know I'd probably never play it. I hacked my 3DS and pumped it with games - but then I fell into choice paralysis: too many games and I don't know what to play. To be fair, I really wasn't a big fan of the 3DS. Chunky, low res screen, dual screen BS, etc.

EVERYTIME I see a Vita thread, I'm reminded how I want one. They just look so sleek and nice.
Help me Yas Forums, with an option I've been stuck on for a while but have not made a final choice:
Model 1000 for the OLED screen, or
Model 2000 (slim)?

Honestly again, I don't even know what I would play on it besides emulators (my PC is already an emulation station + I have an R.Pi for that too), but it's been so long since I've used a handheld. And again, the Vita just looks so damn nice. I kinda want one just because.

user, I bought a 2DSXL just for hacking and emulation, and I felt the same way about the Vita - that I'd never use it. Bought it on a whim, and believe me, the build quality alone makes it much more pleasurable to use.
>no 2nd screen
>no loose hinges that feel like they're going to snap off
>much less shitty plastic
>proper control layout
>proper buttons
I could go on and on, but the Vita is leagues above the DS in every imaginable way - even down to hacking it. The DS is to the Atari 2600 controller how the Vita is to the DualShock 4 or Xbone controller. I was worried about not using the Vita, and it's been my most used device as of late. I went as far as to even format my 2DS to factory so I could at least use my carts without fuss. Shame, though, because I put a lot of needless money into the DS.
>tl;dr PS Vita is a plenty worthwhile experience
As for model, I'm very low maintenance and the 2000 has been great. It lacks a lot of the flash and zazz the 1000 has, but it is a lot more convenient. Longer battery, better speakers, microUSB charger, better feel, brighter screen... What it lacks, however, is it is significantly lighter and toylike compared to the OLED 1000. To be fair, I also had a PSP 3001 before I owned my 1000, so I might have just been bred into lesser PS handhelds. Long and short of it is the Vita 1K is much more of a boutique experiece, the 2K is more convenient and objectively more useful. But, if you like the boutique features, the 1K is worth a consideration.
>consumers are mostly retard
Couldn't have said it better myself, mate.

I like you user. You sound like a cool person. Been a while since I've seen such language on here. Refreshing, really.
Argh, I'm still unsure about 1k vs 2k. I KNOW that if I get the 1k, I'll probably like it, except for the propietary charger, the need for a proprietary SD card to hack it, and its heaviness. If I get the 2k, I'll probably like it but then think "aw man I wish I had an OLED screen!!".

The game selection had room for improvement but I consider the system itself to be essentially peak handheld.

I caved and bought the ps vita along with an sd2vita off of ebay, it arrives in a week. Excited to play P4G and a few other games like soul sacrifice delta and freedom wars.

M1000 has the prettier OLED screen but the slim model has better button placement and is lighter, and the LCD screen is guaranteed to last you longer than an OLED. If gameplay is your main concern, then the slim is probably the better choice as it feels better to hold and use.

Iirc the 1K and 2K can use the SD2Vita if you have HENkaku 3.6-3.7 installed. Tl;dr it's something like $3 on Amazon and eBay that you can put almost any microSD into and suddenly have tons of space. Very cool, to me at least, because my Best Buy has weekly sales on SD cards, and I've stockpiled them all for less than the cost of a 16GB Sony propritery card - I.E. $100 for 3 128GB SDs and the SD2Vita vs $150 for the 16GB Sony card. Do be warned, however, anything over 200GB will need the Allocation Size changed a bit. As for the OLED, while I'm sure it's very cool, I'm only using my Vita for emus and stuff. So, if you're in the same boat, do consider the OLED can have a tendency to oversaturate things and make emus and rips look almost artificial... If thaf makes sense. Good luck, user. Thanks for the kind words. Been a bad day. Finally turning around and it's 0630.
Game selection was very niche, I can second that. I remember when it first launched, Yas Forums memed about how many anime shovelware games there were.

>>preferred model
Vita 1000. I like the OLED screen and hate the design of the 2000.
>>preferred case/accessories
>>favourite games
I only got myself one in january because I wanted to play rhythm games together with PS1 and PSP games (fuck playing on a PC and the emulators on the Switch have a ton of input lag, also running low on space lol). Currently playing Blue Reflection and like it a lot (it's a bad port though, but I'm not going to buy a PS4 for one game). I need to play more games before deciding.
>>what do you use yours for?
See above, also hacked it obviously.
>>why do you think it was so underrated?
Too few games, proprietary memory, lack of interest on Sony's part. Plus I think it wasn't a good time to release a handheld, the 3DS also struggled. Seems like we moved away from handheld-only consoles (sadly).

get the 1000

Agreed, hated the Lifearea it first but it grew on me. Also it really has EVERYTHING - calendar, mail, browser...

>I could go on and on, but the Vita is leagues above the DS in every imaginable way
Disagree, there are things that both do great (I have a New3DS XL). But on the hacking side the Vita is superior, yes. As someone who is a long-time homebrew user there is just so much passion behind Vita homebrew that you will only also find in the Wii and PSP scene.

Solid choice. Idk about you, but my SD2Vita doesn't get here until the first week of May. If I were you, I'd start the prep work for HENkaku ASAP witht he Vita. Not that it's very hard at all, but it's worth taking your time in the chance you get a weird firmware (my lowest factory was 3.65. HENkaku prefers 3.60. It doesn't change anything majour except 3.65 requires more patience and prep work.)
When you get yours, too, definitely take your time personalising it. It's gay, but I found an extremely detailed Windiws XP theme, and it honestly makes my Vita feel more like mine and makes me want to play it more. Also worth mentioning to try SwitchUI. It's tacky, but it does make browsing softwares much easier. The stock Vita UI is kinda garbo if you hate touch screens.

I was looking for vitas with versions below 3.65 or with Enso already installed because I read that anything above would have to use h-encore which is a pain in the ass to use. The one I bought comes with 3.65 and Enso installed. I did have to pay a premium, but w/e I've wanted a vita for a long time now.

I didn't know about the themes, I'll definitely have to look into that - the stock vita UI did look like something I wouldn't like based off of videos. I haven't actually *used* a vita ever so we'll have to see how that goes. I'll note down the Switch UI rec though, ty!

>why do you think it was so underrated?
Because piracy wasn't immediately available so people clinging to their PSPs said "fuck it", and it was kept afloat by third parties(which most people don't give a shit about) after 2014. Yes, memory card prices were awful, but that's not why people claim the actual system was bad. Multiplayer games were a great time when they were active.
>Favorite games
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational.
>What do you use yours for
I play my Vita, PSP, and PS1 games on it. I emulate stuff sometimes as well, but I'm not hugely interested in emulating. There's only so much I really want to play.

The Vita's UI is really nice to use, as long as you like using the touchscreen. It's 100% designed for it and kind of ass to use with just face buttons.

Good on you, man. I really wanted to order one that had already been fabbed, too. I'm a former IT professional and I'm at the point that I just want to pay someone to do personal stuff for me sometimes when I'm burnt out. If you remember, do report back and let us know how you like it! I'll keep pumping out threads.
> (OP) (You)
>>why do you think it was so underrated?
>Because piracy wasn't immediately available so people clinging to their PSPs said "fuck it", and it was kept afloat by third parties(which most people don't give a shit about) after 2014.

>tfw I was the person who clung to my PSP 3000
To be completely fair, I literally found my PSP in a dumpster one day taking out the garbage. Had everything with it, too. Just needed a new battery and a better charger ($2 at a local retro store).

>2000/Slim in the Neon Orange Colour
>Dont use accessories/cases for it
>Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing & Jet Set Radio
>Playing through my collection of Digital PS1 games during quarantine
>I think it was underrated because of how comfy it is compared to the 3DS and the fact that it has a wide selection of great console level games on it

>Iirc the 1K and 2K can use the SD2Vita if you have HENkaku 3.6-3.7 installed.
To do that on the 1000 model you'll need an official memory card, because it doesn't have any internal storage.

Where can I buy one for a reasonable price? Ebay just has a bunch of auctions and badly used ones with nothing to offer
This sucks

Just buy a used Japanese one. They usually keep them in good condition. Expect to pay about 130 USD.

>He hasn't played Eugenics sim

Attached: OTB_Apr242014_Art01.jpg (565x800, 107.97K)

Import sites if you want to get one of the Japanese exclusive 2000 models. I'd recommend to keep checking Ebay/Amazon to see if one comes up at a reasonable price and is in good condition.

2K, just since it's lighter than my 1K. I might be biased since I refurbed the 2K myself, new screen, new back, new sticks, the works, while the 1K is my original from back in the day.
I just use a cheap PU one to protect it from scratches in regular use, and a Hori trigger grip for PS1 games.
>Favorite games
Been a while but Gravity Rush and P4G are up there. Burnout Legends too, I don't care that it's a PSP game, fuck you, Burnout doesn't get enough credit these days.
>Use mine for
Vita games, PSP games, sometimes PS1 stuff if it's a game I don't want to play on my actual PS1 for whatever reason. A little emulation too, but I always get distracted by my phone running better emulators, but my Vita having the vastly nicer controls.
>Why was it underrated
Wrong handheld at the wrong time. It was a handheld for the core demographic, with some really cool games, right as the mass market lost interest in handhelds for the most part and SoA was super sensitive about appearing too Japanese after relaunching the PS3 with the Slim era branding.

>title is Over My Dead Body 2
>never localize first game

>just managed to stream video to my PC via USB and OBS
Aw shit. If I can configure this right, I'll have a damn Switch on my hands.

Attached: 1580012451535.png (613x430, 265.53K)

You can downgrade to any firmware as long as it doesn't go below your systems factory version, so if it's fairly old you should be all set to hacking it and changing it to 3.60.

I shilled out for the hori girp for the 2000 vita model and one of the two hooks for the grip broke after falling off a table. It still works fine but it hurts to see.

>why do you think it was so underrated?
Literally 0 support and marketing by sony.
Mem card price jewing.
Local game stores had only like 5 games in the Vita corner.

And the 3DS shilling and marketing was just too fucking hard.

Without /vitagen/ I would think its a piece of shit as well.

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Not that user, but I would want to get either a 1000 or 2000 in a color that isn't black. Looks like Japan offers a lot more colors than the US did. Will there be any problem using the JP one? I know I can probably change the language to English. Any other differences?

>Any other differences?
Nope. You might have to switch the O and X buttons, but that can be done within seconds.

The only problem you might run into is a higher factory firmware, since they were made more recently for the JP market. So you might be CFW'ing to 3.65 instead of 3.60. Not a massive issue or anything these days, it used to be a bigger problem. But still something to keep in mind.

The tl;dr: is that you can't downgrade below the firmware the unit shipped with and 3.60 has better community support, though again, these days it's pretty minor.

>pic related
>I honestly bought it for Tales of Hearts R (same with Vita TV)
>Tales of Hearts R, PSP/PS1 games
>few games and the games it did have were way too fucking similar (see the thousand dungeon crawlers) and memory card fiasco.

It's a solid system though. It could have done and been a lot better, but I wasn't unhappy with it, personally.

Attached: IMG_0307.jpg (4608x3456, 2.72M)

Is the Vita constantly offline while on CFW or can you play online like with the 3DS?

You can spoof the firmware reported to the current version and play games online. Just don't sync trophies for games that haven't been released and you're probably fine.

God I loved SSD

Attached: ars_magica.jpg (960x2176, 812.51K)

>preferred model
I have the slim, but I want an OLED because aesthetics
>favourite games
Project diva, Taiko, CTR
>what do you use yours for?
Rhythm games and PS1 emulation
>why do you think it was so underrated?
lack of normie shit

That's as good as I can get it for now. Some games are harder to play due to frame drops, but generally speaking, this is pretty damn cool.
I haven't put time into playing this yet. It seemed pretty fun from what I did play, though.