What difficulty do you like to play games on?

What difficulty do you like to play games on?

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dmc 1 dmd of course

medium or hard, that's usually what the dev recommends. i have no desire to play the same game with artificial difficulty from moving a few sliders

What's Hell and Hell mode?

Same as God Must Die


Probably being hideously deformed, but not in an interesting way

Very easy

>being an ugly girl is easier than being an attractive guy
Do incels really?

If it wasn't true they wouldn't be incels.

>guy with hair is impossible
>balding fatty is nightmare

Male pajeet

nightmare. also there should be more tiers or alterations for rich people. rich chad has it easier than poor chad and rich stacy lives on demo mode. not even tutorial, just demo where the game plays itself.

its a Yas Forums cope. deformed, mutted, obese subhumans try to tell themselves they have anything going for them because they scrape a centimeter over the 6ft mark

Insecurities about their height.
Kind of like how they think some Leonard Nimoy guy is easier than an averagely attractive white person or how being an ugly deformed girl is easier than being a non-ugly guy.

You are underestimating the importance of height when weighted towards your overall attractiveness.

>not able to charm a girl as ugly or uglier than them
Incels' problem isn't that they're unattractive, it's that they're incompetent retards.

>attractive guys

>5'3 and ugly
What difficulty am I playing on?

Choose your fighter

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being an ugly, deformed, short, dicklet, hairlet mutt

Why do they all look Jewish?

You only have to be taller than her. The idea that all women are only interested in guys over a set height is a myth fabricated and spread by completely social inept retards.

No, all incels are disgusting looking, with some having a mental illness on top.
If they actually started caring about themselves instead of digging deeper into their insecurities, they would be way more successful than any ugly girl.

women have it easier no matter how ugly they are.

Asian probably.

Wrong. Get off Yas Forums for more than two seconds and most gen x and boomer manlets have wives if you ever step foot into public, not to mention pajeets, chinks and most other races averaging out around that height anyway.
Most of the "generically" attractive poster boys of the 90s were manlet twinks.
Height is only either an obsession among society's most vain partygoer roasties and tryhard jocks, or incels that live on Yas Forums and try to justify why they're terminally alone. For 95% of the population nobody gives a shit.

>Bunch of first world faggots complaining about living life on hard mode

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>balding fatty at 6' is gonna have it easier than a 5'10 clear face/full head of hair average guy
i dont know about this

I'm from europe though, and as far as I'm aware there is no asian ancestry in my family.

>no acne on any of them
>only one is slightly balding
>meanwhile i'm balding and have acne scars

They are white, unlike Yas Forumscels

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>by completely social inept retards.
Tinder thot normies are socially inept?

holy cope

>no proof just rambling

You can still find love user, she just won't be a 9 or 10.

How did Danny DeVito do it?

Did you miss the "all women" part of the post you quoted, moron?

>whooo boooo life is sooo hard

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>you can still fine love user, she will just be an uggo 2/10
I'd rather be terminally alone than with something I will never be happy or satisfied with, honestly.

>Yas Forumscels
You sound buttmad about something. What is it?

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>devito's kid is 5'1

Goddamn, Why are 80% of humans so shallow?

>Yas Forumscels
You sound buttmad about something. What is it?

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You're not born fat and you're not born ugly. Ugly people are like that because of vertical facial growth, which is entirely environmental (dependant on oral posture during puberty, malocclusions, and mouthbreathing)

So in a way yes you chose your own difficulty.

What are you expecting, a colorful bar graph that explains something you can walk outside and see for yourself? Your loneliness and your inability to grasp this concept share a common symptom: you're retarded.

>no no you see its because my gentetically determined features that im a lonely virgin, has nothing to do with the fact that i spent my formative years shut in my room playing video games and thus have no personality, drive, or interests

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oh ok, so you have no argument and no proof. got it.

short incels
> i-if i was taller girls would like me!
tall incels
>i-if i was more handsome girls would like me!

>when the real reason is because theyre just autistic as fuck and cant talk to women

Nobody said 2/10. Dress appropriately and practice proper hygeine and you can get a 5 or 6, maybe even higher if you don't have the personality of a cumsock.


Chad is definitely easier than being an uglier roasty. You can say anything you want when you're a chad, and it comes off as funny and cute, but say it as a ugly manlet and you're a creep.

>making fun of young mutts
How every racist and ageist of you, bigot.

Just because you're too retarded to understand doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Enjoy a lonely life of your own creation.

what that jungle language saying?
also this is a poor man's barbed wire and it is extremely effective

Yes, because David Beckham has so much personality


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Being a chad still requires the confidence & attitude
Being a woman is life on "just exist" mode

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>You can say anything you want when you're a chad, and it comes off as funny and cute, but say it as a ugly manlet and you're a creep.
This is the thing that gets me the most. People always say that it's more about how you talk to people rather than how you look but then how you look completely changes how people perceive what you say.

>just exist mode

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>just be yourself bro, chicks love it when you're confident and smooth

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still no proof

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i would fuck those fat tits

she can find a husband willing to provide for her and all she has to do is sit at home and cook and clean once in a while.

it's not hard to be confident when you have something to be confident in. Confident ugly guys reek of false confidence, chads dont have this problem because they know they're good looking. Hell I'd be confident as fuck if I werent ugly.

being an attractive woman is literally tutorial mode

>still have acne despite being 31
>learned that only 3% of the population still does from dermatology

Impossible, but about to make my way to Dante must die very soon, next two or three years.

No, it's not hard to do better than that user.

such an unfortunate specimen...

Leave your bedroom.

>Painting trees so they look prettier
Do pacos really?

>Confident ugly guys reek of false confidence
Oh so that's your excuse

Based trad waifu, would rather sacrifice her own life instead of getting raped by savage redskins.

What movie is this?

It’s so I can get to grips with the game before I play through it again on hard mode.
What I meant is that I play through the game once on each difficulty

It's true, how long will it take for your confidence to be knocked down when you're ugly. Why can't you just accept some men are born better than others?

It is pesticide.
They do it to protect the trees.

Im 28 with no signs of it stopping and I've tried everything from microneedling to lasers and it just keeps coming back

thats a solid 7/10 in england

I usually do the hardest difficulty possible unless it's like, some insane sicko shit with one life and two bullets per level.

It's even worse in Scotland or Wales.