Lobotomy Corporation

Rise, my servants. Rise and serve Lobotomy Corporation thread

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I still don't know why they had to make WN a thoroughly unfun fight

I think they wanted to do some impossible fight. Is there a way to do it without skull bro?

They also wanted to do more big fights like Apo bird and WN, but were out of time. Magical girls were supposed to have a fusion mode too.

I need some help. Just unlocked the suppression for Chesed and Geburah. Which one should I do first. Any tips?

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Gebura for big reward, Chesed for easy suppression.

Can I do chesed and then meme repo?


Probably 3rd hardest fight in the game behind Geb supression and day 49 for me. You can bait the two angel bois to the sides of the room he's in and bait their slow animations to keep whiffing while the death ball just stays on WN while giving them shields.

the legit way is you have your gigachads whack him like a sandbag for two hours until he dies while also kiting his two guardian apostles
the cheese way is to spawn green midnight under him

reaploading gift fixes
Someone managed to miss a mega link three post down to dead one which fixed Helper gift stats last thread. Also turns out gifts gave 1/5th of actual bonus than they should have so I had to write new scripts for all anyway. So this is third and final mega folder

Anyone working on Yas Forums-corp right now? I'm free to play a day.

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Someone did say they would try to do midnight fight in last thread after day 38, but radio silence how it went or if they even tried
repostan last day link and pic

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Chesed should be easier just pray you don't get Black buff and meltdown on Censored, in that case it's better to just use sacrifice work

I'll give it a go. But I hope he shows up so I can do the day after instead.

it was ~14 hours ago, chances are slim or they done the day, forgot to upload it and went to sleep, which would be the worst

are the translations fixed yet?

SOON, maybe in few weeks they will fix it

Wait they're fixing the translations? I might just have to do another playthrough if thats the case.

same guys who translate Wonderlab and Distortion Detective, from what I've heard

You mean the devs or modders?

Rip bucket and drawer.

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Don't forget bear

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I liked the jank translations. They will be missed.

Should I feel bad if I used shelter for Geburah?

Anybody bought the new Wonderlab comic yet?

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Buy it yourself you stingy fuck

honestly no but i liked it because it really teaches you how to control your nuggets and avoid getting your shit pushed in during combat

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>doesn't have a dollar for Wonderlab comics