Games that only you played

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more like shittle dew

I remember it getting heavily pushed by the press at the time, but it just looked so cheap and derivative and "self aware meta humour" that I loathe.
Around the same time they were pretending that Anodyne was relevant.

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Ittle Dew 2 is pretty great as a 2D Zelda clone.

I played both.
You can shovel all the Zelda clones to me and i'll enjoy it. But these ones really fucking sucked

They were alright, especially the second one, and we don't have that many modern zelda clones these days anyway.

I somewhat want to play these games, it has a cute style and the protagonist has some charm, but then I see screenshots and feel like they are just discount Zelda clones.

The best Zelda clone ever created.

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Does she age between games? That's cute.