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This game fucking sucked.

It wasn't a bad idea to have swappable characters, but they did it very wrong. Instead of it being a bonus to make the game more diverse and giving it a higher skill ceiling, they made it mandatory to use constantly.
It's also annoying that the characters don't have assigned buttons, it's hard to learn what button you need to press for what character because it's constantly changing. Just give each character a different direction on the d-pad.


the game that made me lose faith in sonic


One bad game is all it took?

Sonic never surpassed this game


We're not going there, are we?


But my dick always touch the ground

This game was a fever dream for me, So much of my sonic knowledge was built off of this game. I used to go to the casino levels and let sonic and knuckles get captured so I could play just as Tails.

That's really strange user. What was your motive for this?

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Like the quality of the Sonic series? Which coincidentally started with Heroes.

Nah I love Heroes

Just my favourite character. I was like 7 I think at the time so my retard child brain thought it was cool to have my favourite character on screen and no one else. I remember I got the demo disc that xbox used to give out and I watched the Heroes demo a ton as well.

Look at all those Eggman's robots!

How far can you get with Tails only?
Not far I assume since there's the glass surfaces only Knuckles can break

Heroes was such a harmlessly mediocre game though.

I don't think it sucked, but it's got serious issues. Mainly where the controls are concerned. Most of the time you'll either be in Power or Flight mode just to stay on the fucking level because of how slippery the controls are with Speed form. And when you ARE in Speed form you're mostly just using it for homing attack chains and gimmicks. The level design is also peak Iizuka. Hot Wheels tracks in the sky everywhere with very little room for exploration or variation on each subsequent playthrough. Some enemies are damage sponges that serve as little more than padding and a justification for the level up system to exist. It's actually not a bad idea on paper, but the execution is a little flimsy. Then there's the endless screeching cacophony of Sonic and friends' dialogue that you're forced to listen to in each level of the game. (Something that Sonic Forces mercifully allows us to turn off. Only took them, what, 14 years? Thanks Sonic Team.) Lots of things that still plague Modern Sonic to this very day.

But does the game outright suck? I'm not sure. It's heart is in the right place when it comes to the story and art direction. The team mechanic is actually a neat idea that I wish they'd fleshed out more. The music is mostly solid but maybe a little lacking in variety. And despite all the flaws I just mentioned above, the game is still quite playable. (Assuming you aren't playing the god awful PS2 port.) However, it's hard to look past how fragile the whole experience is precisely because of the above criticisms. Heroes certainly isn't Sonic '06 tier, but unfortunately, it was definitely a harbinger of things to come for the series. Its reputation is mostly deserved.

It is amusing to see the zoomers who grew up on the game come out of the woodwork and try to insist that the game is a misunderstood masterpiece of some kind. I have a soft spot for the game too but come on kids, let's not go crazy here.

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desu I did this too, because it was rare to control the Fly characters with their normal running animations

>Each time the bobsled takes on damage one character is thrown off the bobsled. The speed decreases if Sonic is thrown off, and if I fall off, the bobsled won't be able to jump.

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Why does the pic radiate sexual energy

How the fuck do his tails work

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post that vocaroo
you know the one

Wish I had saved the link.

>Heroes is a bad game because I have to play it four times
Or... You could not play it four times? I don't bother hunting for Chaos Emeralds when I play the Classic games. I don't bother hunting Emblems in the Adventure games. I don't bother getting all 300+ routes in Shadow the Hedgehog. I don't bother hunting Red Rings in Generations or Colors.

The biggest two reasons people say they don't like Heroes is:
1: e-celebs on the trend of hating Sonic
2: controlling Sonic is difficult, and when they fall off the edge they'd rather blame the game and quit than blame themselves and improve

Stop embarrassing yourselves. The game is far from perfects and people said as much even then.

Nobody has ever said a Sonic game is perfect. And yeah, hating Sonic to be cool is nothing new.

>This is all Knuckles!