Incoherent vidya scenes

Is it a Japanese thing? This guy basically is trying to kill Barret with a gun and his teammates are not moving so that he doesn't fire.
1. Barret survives far worse during trash mobs encounters. HUNDREDS of bullets
2. His teammates can easily fry this guy with magic before he even fires

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none were at point blank range

Cutscenes have different rules than during normal gameplay, this is true of just about every video game.

There's a l9ot of stupid navel gazing in this game that pisses me the fuck off.

>run through a gate, stop and look around for no reason
>this happens multiple times

I really hate the FFXIII vibe they injected into my FFVII.

>Cutscenes have different rules than during normal gameplay, this is true of just about every video game.




Why didn't they just revive aerith with a Phoenix down?

You're supposed to assume that in gameplay he never got hit by any of the bullets.

Back you go

Uncharted does the same thing because it's a video game

FFV already told you fuckers that phoenix down doesn't revive death, it revives KO.

When HP drops in FF7R the characters fall to the ground incapacitated, not dead.

hurrr what is story/gameplay dissonance?

That's a rich white man's gun. There's all kinds of debuffs against Barrett here.

If you actually read the phoenix down description: Phoenix Down wakes a knocked out person. It does not revive the dead.

Might as well watch a movie and sit on your ass. Gameplay should be part of the story.

You are missing the crux of that scene:
>Barrett is facing him
>Barrett has a gun for an arm
>CEO guy reaches in his desk for something
>Barrett then reacts in a surprised way
>CEO guy is now holding a gun aimed at Barrett
Surely Barrett would have:
a) Noticed him reaching in the desk, told him to freeze
b) Seen the gun being pulled from the desk, reacted
c) At least have seen the gun before the CEO guy was holding it as in your pic
Also who decided Sephiroth had to gay smirk in every scene?

>Also who decided Sephiroth had to gay smirk in every scene?

It's the same bottom of the barrel animu writing that plagues KH in particular. Characters are constantly going NANI!?, don't seem to see each other if they're 20 feet away, and are waxing monologues that don't really say anything.

first time seeing gameplay and story segregation huh?
underagedb&ds need not apply

Remember how Aqua, a mage who's default block is to cast Barrier, forgets that she has this ability and decides to face tank a fireball in KH3?
Remember how she does this twice?

Meant Reflect not barrier

You mean Nomura. Sephiroth has had this retarded characterization since Advent Children. We got a break from this shit in Crisis Core, but in the Remake it got worse than ever.

Shit like this drops this game to a seven out of ten. The thing about it it's frustrating because the scenes aren't consistently shit, there are quite a few instances of good writing and scene direction, but then you have stupid shit like Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith nodding each other in sequence, resolving to move forward, after they a;ready fucking did that in the last cutscene.

... because he's pandering to fujos. Get a clue


Its not just the gameplay-cutscene inconsistencies. In battle, Tifa and Cloud regularly jump 5 metres into the air to attack flying enemies and slice through rock and rubble yet struggle to climb over a 2-3 meter high containers in environmental "puzzles" or are slow to push envitonment objects.

That's what get you here? That video game damage rules might be different during a cutscene?

Not that the scene might be the laziest written reversal of roles from the biggest hack writer to ever shit on a loved franchise? One minute he's begging for his life, we're finally at the payoff of all our work, the next he just left to walk over to his desk and pull out a gun. Wow. Great. Much buildup and sense.

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I don't think he's even capable of portraying Sephiroth in any other way. KH suffers from the same garbage; half of the antagonists have the same lame smirk pasted on almost non-stop.
>villain smirks and gets a camera zoom

That was literally everyone in KH3, they all felt the fucking same.

literally every game ever made is inconsistent in favor of cutscenes, you retarded nigger


then name one


Dark Souls

>1. Barret survives far worse during trash mobs encounters. HUNDREDS of bullets
Yes but as you can clearly see that's a golden gun which is always a 1 shot kill.

>party enter presidents office
>hear someone calling for help
>a window is smash through
>go outside, a railing is broken
>look over railing, the president is hanging over the drop
>barret grabs him, toys with him like he will drop him to his death
>pulls him up, tells him he will confess to his crimes while letting his run around
>president runs into his office and searches through his desk while barret is too busy smelling his own farts
>president pulls a peashooter on barret
>barret fears for his life
>the party come in to see barret held at gun point, do nothing
>sephiroth returns and stabs the president
>you realise sephiroth broke into the office, threw the president out the window and through a railing, something the president managed to surivive and then also grab a railing and hang on
>sephiroth then leaves to use the restroom I suppose
>comes back later to find the party, decides to now kill the president and barret
>time ghost decides naww and revives barret, removing all sense of danger and suspense from the series going forward

The last 20% of 7R is a fucking mess.

Textbook example of ludonarrative dissonance

Tetris doesn't have cutscenes
Sunlight spear in cutscenes shatters dragon scales, which it doesn't in-game.

this man is correct, and completely infallible

This is the best point so far.

So are the time jannies dead now?

Could have been a nuke like materia gun, they were just cautious.

>Sunlight spear in cutscenes shatters dragon scales, which it doesn't in-game.
Why would shattering dragon scales be a game mechanic?

You can't build a rocket-ship out of tetris blocks in gameplay and then suddenly in the cutscene there's a rocket-ship that got built?

>Tetris doesn't have cutscenes
IMAGINE sucking THIS bad at tetris.

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these but unironically.
imagine living in a world where literal magic is common and someone points a golden gun at you. you would have no idea what that gun actually fires at you, so you better not make a move.

OP was born last week apparently. Very impressive how quickly modern infants can learn to make a thread.

>Why would shattering dragon scales be a game mechanic?
That wasn't the point, the point was inconsistency between cutscenes and in-game and sunlight spear clearly works different.

Barret has a fucking HEAVY MACHINE GUN for an arm with materia soltted into it

>a cutscene gun
>that's gold plated
>and wielded by a cutthroat C.E.O
>who is old, white and fantastically wealthy
How could Barret possibly have won in this situation?

But it doesn't, just because they didn't bother to render dragon scales falling off every time you use it

and? Shinra already had him at gun point, he would have pulled the trigger of his lv5 death gun before Barrett could even lift up his arm.

>nooo dont shit on me lejima masterpiece of work this fanshise is my chiiildhooooooooooood
ok boomer

there is no "dragons" with scales in Dark Souls, except intro curscene.