There isn't any other girl who even comes close to 2B

There isn't any other girl who even comes close to 2B

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i'd come close to 2B if you catch my drift.

Haha, yes indeed, too true friend, but I would rather cum inside her vagina haha.

>butt fangs

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>next game is a phone game

> that foot sliding animation

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2B is boring trash


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in my opinion the Tits vs Ass debate can be solved like this:
A girl with no ass and big tits is unfortunate, but a girl with a wide bottom and flat chest is fucking hot. So while you can prefer tits, ass is what makes her a women.
Any chest size is delicious but ass must exist.

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Jut got the game, I thought she'd be a frigid bitch but she's pretty sweet, definitely waifu material

Has she even nipples and a vagina, when yes, why?

truer words have never been spoken

A girl can always work out and get some toned ass if she has a flat one, doesn't really work the same with tits.

big brain moment

You’re incorrect virgin friend. Tits increase with weight gain, but nice hips and ass are eternal. This is why there are no fat chicks with small tits. You either have drool-worthy hips and good ass genes or you don’t. Muscle helps but it makes a boxy muscle not a round one.

*jaw drops*
*eyes pop out of head*
*tongue rolls out*
*picks up jaw*
*fixes eyes*
*rolls up tongue*
*buries face in the tits*

I had a chick dress up as 2b for my birthday a few years ago. Was pretty hot. Found out she was pregnant that day as well. Pretty sure she didn't tell her bf it was mine.

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you know what, you might be right.

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Yes there is

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It's not like anyone wants a hamplanet except for a few degenerates.

pretty based not gonna lie

You're so right... Unless...

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>this is why there are no fat chicks with small tits
but there are


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Was this design really necessary?