You guys are mentally ill. I didn't play fallen order during relrase cause the hurr durr it is shit here...

You guys are mentally ill. I didn't play fallen order during relrase cause the hurr durr it is shit here. I finished it today and it was really good. Also the "black woman makes vader to kneel" is a total hoax.
Overall it was a very good game and I will never listen to you fags again

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it took you this long to realize v has shit opinions? fucking slowpoke

We're retarded because you're a monkey see monkey do NPC programmed by the shitposts of ANONYMOUS users who just post personal opinions? Jackass. get off the internet.

I know this is bait, but if you actually can't think for yourself in any scenario trivial or otherwise you really should just jump off a bridge. That being said.
>I finished it today and it was really good.
Fuck off you're supporting Disney and EA trash.
>Also the "black woman makes vader to kneel" is a total hoax.
This is true, but you know anons on Yas Forums it sees a nigger or something resembling it and they fly into an autistic feces flinging frenzy.

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You're the dummy for ever listening to Yas Forums in the first place. It wasn't the greatest game ever made, but it was damn good and had far better writing than that steaming pile of dog that is the sequel trilogy.

Pro tip. If you ever see a game being praised on Yas Forums and it isn't a JRPG, there's a chance, a SLIGHT chance, that it may actually be good. Nobody on here wants to take the risk of saying they enjoyed something.

Enjoying games only leads to trouble around these parts. Gotta be careful, OP.

i love ahsoka. this game was pretty decent too, i guess.

Why do you choose to be the way that you are. You disappoint everybody.


go be a gatekeeping nigger on reddit you fucking bully loser. you're not the police here you're just a hobo.

maximum reddit

You faggots really like Ahsoka. Jesus.

>listening Yas Forums in the first place

No fucking way. I'd bang her but I despise her inclusion in SW and shes literally a Poochie tier. Filoni is shining proof on why you should never let a waifufag write for media especially a major franchise like SW.

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Retards here will shit on anything because it's fun, regardless of the quality of what they're shitting on.

>hey guys I'm joining the team
>the end

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She served her purpose to hide the ship from the star destroyers, also to save the MC from drowning.

It was decent. Everything having to do with the black alien tranny was garbage though

>tfw you will never see merrin having a hot and passionate lesbian sex with ashoka

Why to live


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She'll be back. To make Force sensitive babies with Cal>

as a fan of madtv it sucks seeing everyone shit on debra wilson. she seems like a genuinely cool person and comic


If you like eating shit and boasting about it that much I suggest reddit for you, it's a place far more accommodating for shiteaters that will suck your cock for it.

i'm someone else ;)

I am sorry user but she is a lesbo

>Also the "black woman makes vader to kneel" is a total hoax
Sure thing mr marketeer.

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>what is context

Lesbos also gotta reproduce.

that scene vader was testing her because he sensed she had fallen to the dark side before. he literally BTFOs her seconds after this clip ends. maybe you shouldn't fall for cherry picked clips fucking retard nigger


>Yas Forums is one person
Good job retard
I liked it too

I want to FUCK Shaak Ti