ITT: guns that video games pretend are good

ITT: guns that video games pretend are good

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AKs of any kind

why is the clip behind the gun? how does it fire? fucking americans.

Bullpup rifles have a track record for being shit. Plus fuck the french

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decent bait

No it's actually pretty shitty

the only correct answer

no shit but the famas is french

wrong, that is a pretty decent gun the only problem is pretty bad trigger lag

sprained wrist in a gun form

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Pistols in war scenarios where everyone wears body armor

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*Puts a golfball sized hole in your bod*

have you ever shot one? they are amazing


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fuckoff nogunz faggot.

a beat up ol' ak that's 60 years old and used by a faggot militiaman in sierra leone who can't tie his own boots let alone maintain hisrifle might suck ass, but an ak-74m and the ak-10X's along with the AEK's etc. are all fucking awesome. hell, even an og akm is great if its been maintained and cared for.

>meanwhile the AR platform shits itself to death if you so much as look at it funny, and refuses to work without being returned to the armour for complete rebuild

oh look, its retarded, how cute, not.

Everyone talking bout bait
>Now that's good bait

The mark of the Gigachad and 100% correct.

were they really that good in games? i don't remember them being that good other than slightly better power over a 9mm pistol

I hate that it's pretty much a peashooter in r6s
And this one takes half the fucking screen

UMP45 hit like a truck in MW2, stopping power wasn’t even necessary. Now I kinda want to boot up my PS3 and see if I can get a game.

the ak started off great and has just gotten better
>see every rifle ever since practically copying its action and or systems

meanwhile, the AR started off shite, and has taken every single decade since to progressively unfuck until it has become a decent rifle. its literally a boondoggle, made so the MIC could keep fucking the us taxpayer and every other nation they could con into using it over and over and over again.

it took HK redesigning practically everything about it and building a rifle that superficially looks like the ar on the outside to finally make it a decent weapon.

This is the post of someone who was read other people's opinions about guns, but has never actually interacted with a gun themselves

>Talks about the Colt 1911

>uhh yeh da UMp was gr8 m8 *drools and cums simultaneously*

I still play MW2 PS3 fairly often, it's still way more active than most people would assume

sure thing, fucko.

i'm just talking about 1911; i also like using UMP in games, yeah

>that one time Big Boss geeked out over the modified 1911

Attached: 1911custom.jpg (600x450, 94.8K)

>having shit taste

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>and it was an airsoft PoS

there's a webm of it somewhere

>and it was a lighter

the new model the ADF is adopting is very different to the old a1 and even a2-a3 ff8's

They're made for counter-terror and special forces, where their stopping power is too low and using regular 5.56 is more efficient.
They handle well and and are cool looking, but they fail in the aspects they were made for.

>*drools and cums simultaneously*
Fuck, that’s genius, I’m going to save it for later. Good job user.

til the p90 was used more against the goa'uld than in actual military service

The FAMAS is a great gun, very comfy.
The only issues i have are the 25 round mag and that is get very dirty very quick.
t. a french that fired thousands of rounds out of that baby

>not shortened
>basic buttock, not foldable nor ergonomic, not even rubber where the shoulder rest
>no front handle
This ar can be so much better with basic improvements. Your pic is like the original model from the sixties.

they're made for artillery crews and tank pilots

They just added rails

>it’s another raging /k/ autist thread

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Forgot pic

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I own both, but I'll always be partial to muh .45

SEETHING 9mm virgin.
nah, the barrel's heavier and non changeable now, the forend is fixed, and they reinforced the assend of the strap for the rail etc. it's now thicker and higher up

the f88 a1's we used were all old beaters with worn as fuck barrels.

the stupid dumbass beaureaucrat beancounters and scumbag politicians decided that to go along with australia's (then brand new) styer rifles, a modular system with quickchange barrels, they would NOT actually ever buy any new barrels. ever. so they all got worn smoothbore, and then the armourers had to start pouring some chemical gunk down barrels until it dried and then etching rifling into THAT, which of course, would wear out in like, a few thousand rounds again anyhoo, and hacve shit accuracy anyway. so a lot of the poor bastards who got sent over to GW2 /afghanistan etc. were all using shit guns that couldn't hit the goddam broad side of a barn.

>all because some pollies wanted to save money.

now dude, i hate the M series of rifles, but the latest ones don't actually suck balls no more, sure they aint terrific, but they do the job, they'relight, and they finally actually work when you want them to instead of hardly ever.

Sexy af but I've never used one

>in every game involving police and military
>literally only ever sold in the civ market

I blame counter-strike

60's 45 were superior to 60's 9mm

Any shotgun

pretty good bait, friend.

>Dissing the based Remington 870, cleanser of organs

>non changeable barrel
Wtf they ruined it

i know nothing about guns but i hate the huge gap between the magazine and the trigger guard