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is a bad game, next question.

Why is he so sexy bros

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Most Kino last boss ever

sekiro is actually a good game

lots of training

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>last boss

all things considered, he's a 4-phase boss


>stomp some shinobi hundreds of times
>beats you once
>everyone calls you a jobber

>killing yourself instead of accepting defeat

Incorrect. It would have been objectively superior if all 4 phases were Genichiro. I have no idea why they pulled Isshin out of their asses for the final fight but it's a disservice; Genichiro is the first boss you fight, right there in that same arena, and he fucking spanks you. Having the game culminate in you doing the same thing to him in the same place would have been absolutely perfect.

Poor Genichiro didn't even get to use his lightning attack for the final fight, and it would have been a great topper considering you just got done fighting the great dragon who is built around that mechanic, which really hammers home the unique nature of Genichiro's power.

But no, we get a geriatric neck ghost for the finale and Genichiro just fucking dies like an asshole after getting roundly bullied all through the first phase of the fight. Especially since it's a 4-bar fight and you have at most 3 revives so nobody is going to power on through a run where they died, or likely even took damage, against Genichiro prior to Isshin.

this is some of the most well-written bait ive seen in awhile

That wasn't a question retard

It's not bait, I mean it. You're telling me Genichiro couldn't pick up a fucking spear? Why does it have to be Isshin?

Because we already spanked Genichiro hard at the top of the castle. What more is he going to do? He already gave it everything he had, and it wasn't enough. Getting his hands on some dragon blood isn't going to change that, since Wolf is also immortal and also has a mortal blade. It's why he gives up and kills himself to bring back Isshin.

Nigga get out the way and call your gramps before you get yourself slapped silly again.

Him bringing himself up to your power level (with dragon blood and a mortal blade) continues the rival nature of his character. Is this a serious take? You defeat Vergil twice in DMC3 but that doesn't stop him from showing up a third time. Each time he has more power, each time he is prepared to face you again.

>it wasn't enough
and it still won't be, he'll still die in the end to Wolf's hand, which is how the game ought to end. He's the primary antagonist all game, having him be the warmup phase of the final boss fight is a real letdown.

When I first got to Genichiro, I assumed the game was going to headless ape me, and that after I took his one health bar, he'd come back even stronger for the real finale. When I saw Isshin's arm pop out of his neck I went "oh fuck, he's going to grow a fucking Stand out of his back like Nero or Ansem, this is gonna be good"

and then his grandpa's ghost steps out of his neck and he just dies.

Isshin is the baddest badass that Ashina has ever seen. He's a much better candidate for a final boss than his adopted grandson that he didn't even train.


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>Wanting to spank jobichiro a 3rd time

>I will never experience Sekiro for the first time ever again

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I don't mind that approach from a lore perspective but then I think the correct way of doing that would be to make the Shura ending longer and more interesting, so that when the game culminates in an Isshin fight, it does so in a way that feels appropriate. Taking the game down the path where you betray Kuro, it's totally acceptable for Isshin to be the finale, and it's totally reasonable for Isshin to be a fucking savage. But along the "main story path", I maintain that Genichiro should have been the climax.

Move aside retard I wanna fight your grandpa

Desperate to achieve his goal, Genichiro sacrifices himself with the Black Mortal Blade, bringing the younger Isshin back from the underworld. This younger Isshin is condemned to fight you as he is bound by Genichiro's sacrifice to win the war and bring glory to the Ashina Clan by obtaining the blood of the Heir.

I literally cannot beat the fat drunk guy at Hirata Estate. I’m gonna fucking seppuku

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Yeah I know how they wrote the story. I'm saying I don't care for it.

Then you've missed my point. Isshin must be the final boss because Isshin, as warlord, is tainted with violence, and the land can only be cleansed, and the threat of Shura dissipate, when this "infection" is eliminated.

Still there? I can help you.

Genichiro's arch was completed when he fought you at the tower, as your equal in strenght.
At the end of the game, he clearly went a little bit mad searching for ANY way to get his nation back, going as far as to directly kill Kuro in an attempt to salvage his blood.

Hell, even Isshin mocks him when he gets summoned from the dead.

Genichiro doesn't level though. He's at his peak at the beginning. And he spanks you. But you get better, and next time you beat him after a struggle. Then you get better again, and spank him the third time around, back where you start. The effect is ruined if his a 4 phase difficult last boss. Hence why Isshin is used.

Which bit of the fight is giving you trouble? His attacks, all his friends, his punches?

Any help would be appreciated.
I can pick off his buddies one by one without aggro-ing him, but inevitably when it comes to fighting him I get ganked by one of his giant attacks, whether or not I ask the samurai of the lake for help