GG strive

So how did you feel about the beta?

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Everything non-game play related is so abhorrent it feels like a student project. UI, lobbies, everything on that side needs ripped out and replaced. Apart from music, though constant vocal tracks was a mistake, should be a third round thing. They get so drowned out by all the other sounds anyway that is becomes a mess.

I don't necessarily hate the direction they chose, it has just been done badly and if anything is more confusing now. Gatling being P>K>S>HS is really easy and intuitive. You just go up in strength and don't need any timing. The current system is confusing and more limiting. That's the general issue with every change, it isn't intuitive why certain combos don't work, why someone is magnetised to the ground, flys across the screen or when the wall is going to break. It feels so controlled, the only combos you can get are what the devs intended which are at best really dull loops that the wall forces your top stop rather than reaching a cool end.

Stuff just doesn't feel thought out. The massive counter hit comes up, yet half the time you really can't get a cool combo after it so you just end up confused. Or annoyed cause it ate your input and May just did a super that hits you for 75%.

The lobbies make me wanna kill everyone involved with the production and I find myself struggling to jive with Strive's version of Chipp and May. Ky is decently fun though.

I agree with pretty much everything, I also dislike wall breaking feeling so inconsistent even though I know it's not but it definitely feels that way

>Or annoyed cause it ate your input and May just did a super that hits you for 75%.

This is the worst part about the big counters. I understand why they did it as it helps casuals react to a counter better and makes the game look good for graphicwhores. But fucking hell, the amount of times it broke my flow and caused me to do an input early/wrong is crazy.

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I think chipp was really good, what didn't you like?

> feeling so inconsistent
Well it kind of is. The wall breaks on a timer, so you can get it more hits sometimes. Some stuff might force a break as well. It is such a weird system that ultimately feels like it robs you of moments. Plus a better play just stops and gets oki so it doesn't even really solve an issue, a worse player will be mixed up easily anyway.

I'm not against this idea of a more grounded combo game in GG, badland loops are great fun. It just feels like so far all you get is a limited corner carry till you hit a wall that says no you aren't allowed to get the most out of your character.

It makes me think about crush counter or SC6's equivalent. There it is nearly always a set up to some big combo. When it happens you can usually be sure it is a hard knock down or there is something big you can do. Here yeah you just get caught off guard and half the time find out anything you were going for gets eaten or suddenly doesn't work.

Fun, but also clearly a 2021 game. Maybe spring or summer 2021.

I am looking forward to this last beta session. Makin some CAFFEINE BEVERAGE

Coming out in 6 months

I don't think it is, especially if they're going to remake the lobby after everyone shit on it. Plus the ggpo might take longer to implement.

Yeah wall breaks are weird, I hope they fix them. Or make them more consistent. I found some good tech with chipps super that knocks back, it forces wall breaks, if you have another bar you can do rouga and it crosses up on wake up from the wall break. it free'd people up.

The constant rank ups even at Max rank were annoying, it crashed my game a few times.

As someone who hasn't had the chance to try it: How do the airdashes feel?

I strongly doubt it, particularly with a netcode overhaul

Not terrible but it's definitely weird that air back dash doesn't have the delay

It has consistently been slated for fall 2020, best case is slightly more cause of Corona-chan. They'd actually need to say the game is getting delayed

They could use Corona as an excuse if they want but this game is most definitely getting delayed.

It would depend on them taking the feedback more seriously, when similar points have been made since the first public test and if anything they went the opposite way after. Even with the UI they make such minor tweaks, it is clear that ArcSys wants the game to be like this

I wanted someone well rounded enough and the gap between Chipp in midscreen and Chipp in the corner was too much. I can't imagine I'd ever willingly wallbreak with Chipp ever, while Ky is like the only character who would willingly want to wallbreak sometimes.

- They Super Smash Bros Brawl'd it.

- They Street Fighter V'd it.

- They Mortal Kombat 11'd it.

Basically throwing their existing fanbase under the bus to bring in the casuals. The menus and UI are shit too, it isn't Guilty Gear at all.

Thankfully Tekken 7 & SoulCalibur VI don't see their prior games as "mistakes" that needed correcting.

Everything in Guilty Gear Strive feels like a step sideways... including the fighters who literally refuse to face each other...

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Gimmie more.

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If there is anything you can say about the devs is that they are taking criticism and listening. They're even putting in ggpo after people screamed at them. Granted the UI thing is strange and doesn't make sense, but they did add a nice womb tattoo to the UI so it's improving in certain aspects.

Complete garbage.
This game was clearly designed to be watched, not to be played.

Wall breaking with chipp isn't bad if you blow a bar on it, you get back at midscreen but are at advantage since it puts you at post Wall break but with a knock down

I'll just keep playing +R and rev.2 if they don't figure out how to make Strive actually fun to play. I was expecting it to be rough but holy fucking shit.

The thing with rollback though is that not only did Daisuke mention internally it was being discussed, but changing netcode doesn't go against the philosophy of the game's design. Other complaints do, stuff like the damage or gatling has been a consistent complaint from the start but those changes are things that fit with whatever weird philosophy this game is being designed with. Similar with the UI, it was made to look at bit more GGish but the general ideas are still in place.

They seem very much set on reinventing the wheel in the hope of accessibility.

I stand by what I've been saying. Strive is not intended to be a good GG entry. It's an ad for ASW's faux-2D workflow, i.e. hire us to make a fighting game with your IP.

both of these

I think they've failed if they wanted this to be accessible. It's also weird since they succeeded with Granblue.

You did get locked into floor 10 didn't you user?

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From a business stance, the previous GG's are absolutely mistakes.

Were they? Cause Xrd served as an advert that got them contract for 2 of their best selling games. This so far adds a general negativity around the series. Another XX/Xrd style game likely wouldn't have been a hit, but they have built up enough of a rep to sell a bit more. Especially by jumping on the rollback bandwagon which a few would have bought simply to be seen doing it, though less than netcode warriors claim. Bamco publishing can also lead to better advertisement.

I think they're better off with a small but loyal fanbase rather than new casuals who will drop the game after a week.

I also think that DragonBall Fighterz helped get Arc System Works' name out there. Games like Granblue Fantasy Versus instantly benefit as a result.

If Strive sells, then it will be the future of this series.