Is this really a hard game if journalists manage to finish it? You can't be serious, Yas Forums

Is this really a hard game if journalists manage to finish it? You can't be serious, Yas Forums

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journalists are given an easier version

if you check the patches history you will note that patch 1.0 is missing this is because it is the version that game journalist played which was significantly easier then 1.01, lots of games do this so that shitty games journalist don't give it a bad score for being to hard

Souls games are piss easy, its a meme that they are hard because you have to walk to the boss fight all over again, thats literally it

The thing is if you look at the achievement rate on Steam it's actually pretty high relatively speaking so it's not that the game is hard enough to filter normal people out
And this is why DS3 kinda sucks it's just designed to kill you a lot even if you are good at Souls because it's just plain imbalanced

it's been 4 years since it got released we get it it's not easy

this is kinda true a lot of the have bosses attacks that kill in one hit if you don't dodge, even the best players can't dodge 100% of the time

This game is fucking casual friendly no wonder it got high reviews

noooooo! video games can't be fun for lots of people they have to cater to my niche group!

>Yas Forumstards still cannot get over Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro

Worst game in the franchise
>lmao just run through swamp #7 to fight anime trial-error knight boss xd

The souls games are super baby mode if you just use summons like most dumb people do. You can literally just afk and watch them kill the bosses for you.

Girl gamers beat this game using a dancepad and without taking any hits.

>nooooooo! video games should be so fucking easy that i can play them on my switch while i watch the bull creampie my wife

most people summon, thats why sekiro had such backlash for its difficulty

Summoning is a good mechanic. It lets shitters complete the game, but DEEP down they know they cheated.

dark souls is not even hard in the slightest why is there even a meme that it is hard?

So what game is hard? Sekiro?

Small penis

sekiro isn't hard either am I missing something?

So there's no hard game for Yas Forums, impressive.

videogames are not hard because they are all designed to be beaten

You don’t know what the fuck you’re on about

I do, you just cant accept this reality because you base your whole identity on playing "hard" meme games. Prove me wrong.

You’re really cool bro.

this, these games would be retard easy if they had a quicksave

It's been 4 years, and it still retails for sixty fucking dollars.

It's on sale right now and I swear it's the lowest price it's ever going to be.

Multiplayer games at a high level are hard, and there are many single player games and mods that could be considered hard, Boshy for example. Dark souls and basically any AAA or popular game are not hard, Atleast if you are someone who actually plays video games regularly

Nothing can compete

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Moba games