Korea time

nerds get in, it's time for brood war

ASL9 3/4th place match


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>not using any free casting for streaming


i hope we get a glimpse of stargirl's pits

Since ASL is dying down when are the GSL days? State lockdown has given me too much free time.

Flash is going to stomp Soma 3 - 0

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I still can't believe Flash got owned by fucking Light

Do something productive? SC2 is a terrible game to watch/play.

reminder that the finals next week are two hours earlier than the usual starting time

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This is going to be 3-1 at best. Soma is great to have gottne this far but he's pretty inexperienced.

>No Inner Coven
I think Flash has manged to avoid that map the entire tournament.

Will we see more galactic brain play from Flash this week?

>I think Flash has manged to avoid that map the entire tournament.
He got seeded past the spot where it was the first map. He just hasn't played it.

>finally woke up on time for korea time again
I made more spurdocraft, since you guys seemed to like oberlord :DD

Anyway, I hope Flash doesn't kill Chosim too fast. I want to see more Guardians.

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You're right.

Flash has struggled against Zergs for a while and he's not on top form and he knows it. He was so mad with his matches against Action. Remember that completley confused attack on the base on Neo-Syphid with Tanks covering a MM drop? That screamed "I don't know what to do". That kind of confusion is uncharacteristic to Flash.

very nice
now I'm thinking of the brainlet wojack going "mmmm zerglings"

I expect Flash to do whatever he wants, seeing how he isn't really "in it" anymore


Draw two irradiated sci vessels and a drone going "FUG"

Yeah and he's vetoed it every time.
It's a shame. The map seems to be skewed against Terran so I'd like to see what he comes up with.

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bost oberlord :DD

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I made Artosis on his stream mad because he was complaining about Defilers and how OP they are and I said that Irradiate is a much easier spell to use than Plague and he lost his shit

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truly salt incarnate

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God Artosis is a national fucking treasure

Maybe someday he'll accept that every race has their own overpowered bullshit, including his own terran.

Haven't been watching Arty's streams, has he had any Heated Gamer Moments?

Flash in the fucking Third Place match
this season has been insane boys

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he never really chimps out
its like a simmering volcano, constantly seething

My body is ready.

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fugg, prodoss gorsair :--DD

I saw that, good shit
>dude defilers should be flying units lmao

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hes a pretty angry gamer
nothing is his fault
everyone is an idiot
and he always loses

>All those faggots last week who doubted Queen vs Flash


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where the FUCK is stargirl

First for Hitchhiker, zoomers swerve

>Queen VS Chosim tonight

ZvZ is the most boring matchup. Not even worth watching tonight.

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when did you open those curtains the last time?

this isn't fair

He looks disturbingly like HBox there.

At least once a night

Stargirl doesn't show up for 3rd place losers.

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maps that should be launched into orbit

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what are you talking about you dumb ape?

its TvZ tonight

and zvz is good fun!

based retard

I didn't doubt it could happn. After the Flash vs Action set, it was clear that Queen had a serious chance.
It's just that Flash is Flash and betting against him is always a dumb idea.

Melee is the broodwar of fighting games

>best of 3


Why even bother?




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if you don't like hitchiker you are probably a poopnose

>Playing ladder right before the ASL
>Reminding my opponents to watch the upcoming match

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For real
Fuck Hitchhiker
I can't believe I was so excited for it but assumed Inner Coven was complete garbage
What a change of opinion a couple of games make

if flash doesn't win game 1 ill suck everyone's dick in this thread

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he played really sloppy against queen.

>almost 40 year old man has a skate board

I wish Tasteless and Artosis would just do tours of their own rooms and places. They loo like they have a lot of nerd junk.

As an example of peak map design for potential aliens to see? I agree.

Queen outskilled him

That's a tall order user

You can start with mine.

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At the same time?

He made up an excuse that his wrists are too fucked up to play proper SK terran so he tried to win with mindgames and weird builds like goliath into bio+valk. It didn't work