We need a gun for the futuristic/alien faction

>we need a gun for the futuristic/alien faction

Attached: HKG11.png (1199x618, 467.78K)

i don't remember many games/movies ever having the g11, it's always the p90 or a bullpup

I wonder why

worst gun in bo1

the entire class of SMGs except for the AK 74u are fucking worthless dogshit tier. and the assault rifles have way worse guns in the form of the FN FAL, enfield, and m16

No no cheap movie props available so rather use what armory has in stock

Yeah, I'm gonna second that; it's actually relatively rare in movies or games, in contrast to its relatively high notoriety. The only time I remember using it in a game was Peace Walker.

It is in Fallout 2

>Make futuristic/alien faction
>guns don't look Bizarre
>No Hexagons
>No Biomechanicals
>No unconventional ammo/mechanics

I'd drop such game in a heartbeat.

Attached: borderlands3aliengunscut.png (1919x1456, 1.11M)

Attached: hind from warframe.png (557x188, 123.52K)

Hexagons are shit but the other stuff can be good if implemented well

Attached: Goodgun.gif (500x259, 978.76K)

Black Ops

>be alien
>use gun
>but it shoots funny
why can't game designers be creative ?

Hexagons are for ''high tech'' but not ''so high tech you can literally grow a gun''

>be alien gun
>it's just miniaturized railgun
>looks like a cardboard

Attached: 18-24-46-images.jpg (688x446, 16.3K)

I know it taks more work to do, but hot dman, if you have a hightech gun use some ballistic glass to atleast show the internal workings of the gun porn. your pic is a travesty.

Basically the main Tau rifle from 40k.

Forgot the pic.

Attached: Tau_Fire_Warriors_Battle.jpg (924x682, 297.87K)

I legit can't tell the front of these ships.

>we need a gun that can't chamber

Attached: Alternator_SMG.png (688x567, 424.82K)

They arent ships

okay, mobile objects then.

which fucking game is this shit? it's a fucking machinepistol if anything. I mean, the stupid fault can be fixed by aligning the mag with the handle, fatten it abbit, and use the fat part as counterweight or something?

>open your gun to clean it
>see this shit
No wonder it didn't take off, what the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: g11open.jpg (468x309, 45.5K)

just take the covers off and use the pressure washer, with soap. duh.

Apex Legend and probably Titanfall, Flatline Assault rifle looks a bit better but still suffers the same issue

forgot image

Attached: VK-47_Flatline_AR.png (1161x456, 570.06K)

It's less complex than it looks

I'm confused by your comment. Are you talking about the two drones floating in the background? It's pretty obvious which way they're facing.

>posting dumb "future" guns
>no Karma-45 or Volk from IW
Literally just a Vector with more magazines to look "tacticool"

Attached: file.png (632x383, 256.49K)

yes, and it's a combat scenes so are these thrusters or guns?

Why wouldn't this work?

>we need an AK47 that shoots lasers

Attached: file.png (836x352, 272.46K)