Jannies think this webm is too violent for Yas Forums

jannies think this webm is too violent for Yas Forums

Attached: bitch4.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

blue board

how was she still alive for the first second of this webm without a body

Dude it's video game CGI gore, people post webms from shit like RE2make here all the time

The brain is still active for like a minute after a clean decapitation


using Yas Forums anywhere that matters is foolish

the walking dead: saints and sinners

Attached: bitch5.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

It's a Walking Dead game.

based jack the ripper

Make a normal webm thread then post it 2nd post to avoid prune

>that cigarette animation

Attached: wtf is this shit.gif (359x202, 3.03M)

at first I thought he was firing some gun and completely missing her

To be fair fire is rarely done well in games

What are some games that feature violence directed at women?

Attached: 876.webm (640x360, 2.31M)

Attached: elliot rodger sim.webm (640x360, 2.63M)

>still shilling shitty buggy piece of shit
>look ma i pisted it again fuck da jannies am i right anons
>olease anons let me in i to your kewl kids club

Pokerstars VR has better smoking animations and thats a free fucking poker game


Attached: anita.gif (500x500, 2.41M)

Is that The Darkness?

Wait for OPs buttfrusted meme response in 3.. 2.. 1..

Yeah the second one

Attached: Darkness.webm (640x360, 2.67M)

Incel - the game


It's the walking dead you moron

This is AMERICA faggot
No nipple, no problem

No, [your favorite game] is faggot


Oh shit someone made a vr cartel simulator?

what is this game?

"complete" freedom :D

I always loved seeing digital women dying in video games but after I found out what 'ryona' meant I get addicted watching Resident Evil videos on youtube

You lose consciousness mere seconds after blood flow to the brain is cut off.

Alpha Protocol, great underrated game with lots of choices

You know that you can still move in your sleep, right?

You don't lose your consciousness in your sleep, dumbass

>Muh Not safe for work
None of you faggots have jobs, especially now

Game gore is relevant and appropriate on Yas Forums.


Where can I find more videos of women in games brutally dying?

>Ten things the janitors at Yas Forums won't let you post!!!
>Number 4 will change your life
Actual clickbait threads, real fucking nice

She's a zambie.

guess what the person who recorded this look like

Nah, this is just something men do. Not strictly incels.

Yes, you do. Are you fucking stupid?

I think you're losing your conscience right now

Do you not know how sleep works?

He cute

user are you fucking serious right now.

Hoe's mad