WTF Yas Forums

WTF Yas Forums

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leave aerith alone she's too pure

>Final Fantasy porn searches spike by 7%

What's the big deal ?

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No shit Sherlock

keikaku doori

Glad I’ve been doing my part

People really need to stop thinknig about sex.

247% of statistics are made up

how much of the porn searched is for sephiroth/cloud?

I fap to porn like every guy but certain things are taboo to me. I would never tarnish the memories of my childhood with vidya-related porn, it's almost as degenerate as furries and CP in my mind.

This, except i hold actual good things to this standard and not gay ass shit such as FF7, as i grew up with actual patrician media and didn't turn out to be a smoothbrain like this moron.
I jacked it to FF porn all the time because it's meaningless trash i have no attachment towards.

>not jacking off to things you cherish and hold dear

>he wasn't jerking to them in his childhood
I find that makes it easier

porno of ff7? surely you jest.

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This is NEVER acceptable unless we're talking about a specific game i shall not name here.
Because that one is impossible to resist.
You know the one.

>western art

say it

If you've never fapped to Tifa you're a fucking sicko.

How can anybody produce something this bad?

>You know the one.

Of course user.

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Final Coomtasy.

some old hookers cosplaying tifa?

Even better

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I, for one, have been looking forward to the resurgence of Tifa doujins.

I'm in camp Tifa 110% but at the same time I don't worship her like she's some kind of saintly virgin deity - she's a character someone created and she's hot as fuck.

7% is not a lot, also it's easier to just drop the decimals after even numbers, just a tip for American brothers

>25 seconds ago

>buy game
>need to coom

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>game journalism is googling video game porn

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(And that's a good thing!)

Your taboo is a needless mental construct. I would fap to my very first favorite video game porn merely out of respect, but not even a single normal fanart picture of it exists. However I'll go a step further and even think you not fapping to FFVII goes against the spirit and wishes of the developers, so your so-called noble intentions are only hurting their feelings.

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it's like we're back in the good old days of early-2000s internet where 50% of all hentai doujin were based on FF7 and 10

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I only ever fapped to Hannah Minx cosplaying as Tifa

Is this ever going to be a thing or is it just an image that will never come into fruition?

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>All these decades later
>Tifa is making people bust nuts still like it's 1997

What's her secret


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I did this for a while after i finished nier automata but that ass got to me

That was the only animation that made me fap to paizuri so far.


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pretty sure the massive tits help

My countries government funded TV network has a video-game show and they did a special on porn games.

>Tifa drooling
Cloud is the hottest of them all and I'm not even homo.