I greatly want the first RE game to be remade like the 3rd and 2nd one, maybe with some added touches to it

I greatly want the first RE game to be remade like the 3rd and 2nd one, maybe with some added touches to it.

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Give it time. Capcom is the king of recycling, so they will circle back around to it someday.

If they do this I hope they make it next-gen exclusive. I can't wait to see what RE engine can do on XSeX/PS5/PC 2

Going for the long con, OP?

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I too would like a version of RE1 with no soundtrack, the enemy variety cut down to Zombies, Cerberus, Hunters & Chimeras, every boss except the Tyrant removed, the game to be heavily actionized with big flashy explosions and lots of loud voices to assert just how serious everything is oh and when the mansion blows up this time the whole mountain should as well. Also don't forget that Jill's been hardened by her previous encounters with the undead so she needs to swear a lot and have a no shits given attitude meanwhile Chris needs to be as naive as a spring chicken. Also we should have Wesker just go full ham from the start you know, I mean we're going to have to cut the Guardhouse, 2nd Mansion Trip and half the Caverns so his interactions are gonna be cut down a lot so we gotta make sure everyone knows he's the evil guy.

>I greatly want the first RE game to be remade like the 3rd and 2nd one
I want Crapcom to stay as fucking far away as possible from this game. It's good as is.

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but why

i want 2 and 3 to be remastered like 1

The only RE in need of remaking are 5,6, and considering how much it made seethe people for being too different, RE7.

>PC 2

I feel like it would be really shit, it woud the perspective even bring to this game?

This. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. "RE2 Classic HD" with upscaled backgrounds/models

I'm kind of joking, but I basically just mean next-gen PC parts like the RTX 3000 or whatever comes out next year to compete with the new consoles.

>Give it time. Capcom is the king of recycling
That's about all that needs to be said on that. It'll happen eventually whether

Remake 1 is already perfect

The original REmake is perfect enough as is. 2 and 3 never needed to be remade, either

Well to be fair if RE2 and RE3 got remade like RE1 during that time I think they would've been pretty well received

if they remake 1 theyre gonna cut out the mansion entirely

RE7 only fault is being an actual horror game with actual melee combat and good gunplay. It filtered tank controls boomers

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>only zombies and Hunters
>you only explore half the mansion
>long sewer level which leads you to Hive 0.5, rest of the map is cut :(
>other half of the game are cut scenes
>Chris is gay
>Jill is now female Donte
>Wesker is evil from the very beginning and already has RE5 super powers
>game shuns replayability
>if you are even slightly successful playing the game, dynamic difficulty kicks in and makes everything Dante Must Die Mode for no real reason
>Jill looks even more like a ugly frail Jewish woman who acts like a "badass"
No fucking thanks.


We are gonna delete your copy muahahhahahahahaa

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>It filtered tank controls boomers
>Trying to flame shit on purpose
C'mon, nigger; tank control and related had nothing to do with RE7's saltmine.

it's garbage. it's the worst one after 0 and cv.

The whole point of 1’s remake was to apply what the devs learnt during 2 and 3’s development to 1’s scenario and map layout. I think with 2 in particular they really perfected the formula, so to speak, due to that game basically being made twice with the previous iteration being a total piece of shit they tried as hard as possible to improve.

Kill yourself.

How many remakes does this game fucking need?

Give it to Nomura. He'll have Wesker reveal himself to be a traitor - complete with superpowers - at the very start of the game in the opening hallway.

Well at the very least a faithful remake of 3 then, if 2's the gold standard than bulking 3 up with more content like RE1 got.

it's already not replayable, what's there to shun?

RE3R, for all its flaws, had a good soundtrack.

one can dream

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after you faggot.
do you really think he played the game?

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Fair enough, I was admittedly mashing the worst aspects of RE2R and RE3R together, the soundtrack thing's more of an RE2R thing (although RE3R fucked up the Final Nemesis theme)

It just needed that one that was already made, but some people will keep whining for a new one just so it looks like the current trends, and Capcom is one of those companies that will be happy to oblige since it's less work and more money for them.

Die, zoomer, die!

Isn't that Umbrella Chronicles though?

Barely anyone care about salt mine, which is exactly in play time 7% of the game
It's just a n excuse to shit on RE7 that ignores that both REmake and RE2make had far longer more obnoxious linear areas
Could have saltmine being made better ? Yes
Does that change that 93% of the game aka House, Old House, Boat House, Ship and Barn are all consistently much better than most REmake and especially post RPD RE2make areas ? No
And yes, it made the "purists" mad about how RE7 is a stealth Outlast game despite being nothing like that. I played the original RE in fucking gamecube and i'm glad Capcom is constantly shitting on the "purist" retards

yes but the render art is in the old engine like the box art for remake.

>Hurr Durr make original experiences

I fucking hate zoomers like you. Go suck your boyfriend's dick, faggot.

who are you quoting?


>It's just a n excuse to shit on RE7 that ignores that both REmake and RE2make had far longer more obnoxious linear areas
Straight up wrong, mang. Your "purists" were actually zoomer who grew up with RE4 and all its clones all those years: those were who complained about RE7.

>Assmad "purist" REfag
Case in point

Would be nice first remake is trash whoever said it's good never actually played it.