What games do you play when you just need to numb your brain for a bit...

What games do you play when you just need to numb your brain for a bit? Literally "haha push button and things go boom" games.

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your mom

Diablo clones such as Grim Dawn, Torchlight and the like.
Dragon Quest if I want to go slow.

Nazi Zombies. Setting up and racking up points for an hour or so on end is just relaxing.

the just cause series

None really
Ed5, diablo, torchlight, grimdawn
all these games have a difficulty, endgame, and strategy

Rogulikes. Isaac/Hades for example.
Surprisingly mobas. Hots is really relaxing.
Grinding in PoE works rather well too.

In literally every ARPG you pick one skill and buff it as much as possible.

I've been playing Doom mods for years for it, there's nothing quite as relaxing as sustained gunfire and ultra violence


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Ravenfield with mods is a bretty good one.

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Killing floor 2

I like Shadow of Mordor. Just throw yourself in the middle of a giant orc army, start parrying and comboing while getting points to execute them, and slowly manage to kill every single one. It's somehow soothing and therapeutic at the same time

Shadow of War works too, with many different ways to make things go boom and kill even more orcs, but the harder nemeses might take you out of the "you vs infinite horde of unnamed orcs" vibe

Postal 2

Unreal tournament

>Battlefield style game exclusively designed for singleplayer bot matches

Holy fuck I need to play this


I was playing WoW for that but after I had to strategize how to farm gold for tokens, i quit.

Saints Row 4

wow of warcraft

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Don't know why I tagged that

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card games, brain numbing doesn't work only side tracking something does

Musou games.

How do i kill transport ships as a solo air raider?


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>What games do you play when you just need to numb your brain for a bit?
Animal Crossing
>Literally "haha push button and things go boom" games.
Metal Gear Rising

Ubermosh. Everything dies in one hit, you die in 3 hits, your abilities get better with time, so do enemies. It's a 90 seconds of constant onslaught and you can game over in a split second. It's cathartic.

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Any Castlevania or Monster Hunter.

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I've found that the adventure modes of Hearthstone and Slay the Spire are pretty good at letting me zone out and do shit while I listen to something more interesting on the background

love this game, but it can tend to run like shit when you have mods on and 100+ units
it's fantastic, if you miss the instant action mode in the old battlefield and battlefront games it's essentially that. it has a multiplayer mod too but i never tried it.

Use the Limpet Sniper or a Nix.

THIS. Synthetik thread when?

Open world driving games, racing games, flight sims.

They seem to allow me to completely switch off the thinking parts of my brain, not sure if it's just pure muscle memory, or just learned process from there on out, or something purely subconscious, but it's astounding (and a little disconcerting) how often i'll just completely black out for the duration of a 30 minute race, finish it and get snapped out of it by the change in music or whatever and have no real recollection of it past the second or third lap.

It's pure zen.

Any GTA game. Destroy All Humans. Paint the Town Red. Shadow of War. Any musou/Warriors game. Monster Hunter, probably World being the best for this. Left 4 Dead 2. Castle Crashers is a real good one.

arcade beatemups, especially fun when drunk

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You might want to see a doctor man.


Ok, I'm dumb. Which of these modes is exactly the same like in Battlefield or Battlefront where each team gets a set amount of respawn tickets?

Gunmetal, my guilty pleasure game

Skirmish. But with all modes you can change the settings for respawn timers/limits and make them all how you want. You can even give one side more numbers than the other side if you want.

I have genuinely never played more braindead/easy games that take almost no concentration than the Dynasty Warriors kind of games. The ones I've played are Hyrule Warrios and One Piece Pirate Warriors, but it's all the same shit. Perfect for what you're describing, just endless buttonmashing and clearing wave after wave of enemies with little effort. Good game to play while you're listening to something.

Risk of Rain 2
Just become a speed demon and watch the cascading AoE fireworks

I just turn off everything and ride around.

Tetris and Space Invaders.

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KF2, overwatch

CoD single player.

I see i got unlucky with the drops.
I'm playing on hard (I already have complete the game on hard as a ranger and almost as a fencer) and I don't own a sniper limpet. I'll just skip the mission and go back with better weapons i guess. Oh I'm also playing the 4.1 version

Any fps games on easy mode.
Or I make massive battles in Age of Empires

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CoD multiplayer with bots is great too. Ghosts and MWR probably have the most polished and human-like bots ever made for shooters.

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>Project Brutality and not the 'other' wad

based Guardian chad
>been trying to unlock Breacher's insanity trait, 200% normal and 140% madness done
>tfw tactical is next up and I keep getting shat on before 1st boss
No shields is suffering

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