It's a console wars thread

>It's a console wars thread

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Fuck (((sandwiches)))

But mom would only let me get one and I don't want to feel like I made the wrong choice or am missing out

>food analogy
It's like saying BUT HITLER. I swear all you Americans think in is food and nazi analogies.
Oh wait I better say that this post is like a papa Johns pizza so you fat fucks can understand.

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Fuck I hate dobson

>food analogy
do americans really?

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war never changes

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>Being so retarded you dont understand a food analogy

I'm a simple man

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demoFLAT? reBOOBlican? why not fASSist?

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Im a centits


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You're just jealous because we can have the luxury of wasting 50% of the food we produce.


That's a boy though
You gay, son?

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Hey man, any type of ass is ok for a fASSist like me

Stupid cat

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>those hands in the second and third panel
good lord that's not how wrists bend


>It's a dobson thread

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Are there any Dobson comics where is isn't complaining about something?

im a fASSist

I honestly prefer flat, but my gf has big boobs. What do Yas Forums

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cunnservative here


The very first one

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You sound like a sandwich apologist.

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what the hell americans have butter spray?

I tried to do that and now my hands are kill

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Spray butter is literally the most disgusting thing on the planet. Also, if you’re going to eat a potato, shredding some cheddar cheese on it instead of putting on fucking butter is the way to go