I miss when people say shiggy instead of cringe

I miss when people say shiggy instead of cringe

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I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

I shiggy diggy.

double cringe

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ask hiroshimoot to filter it like they did with s󠛡oy c󠛡uck s󠛡mh t󠛡bh f󠛡am

Seinfeld sucks

>not liking Seinfeld

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Eat shit and die boomer. This thread is actually cringe


>Using a constanza OP
I shiggydiggy

post moar costanzas

>post moar costanzas
Can do!

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keep em coming breh

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I miss when people said epic fail instead of shiggy

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I miss when people say lel instead of kek


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I missed when people used to say l0l instead of lel

I miss when people said ROFL instead of LUL

i miss when people tried tri-forcing

I still don't know how

>no more daily katawa shoujo

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>saying shiggy instead of shig


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Cringe = Downvoted
Based = Upvoted.

Reddit won. Yas Forums is dead.

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I miss when people said haha instead of jaja


fuck off. retards like you ruined this site

I miss when shitty threads were derailed by doubles posting

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>muh 4chins is le srs le bsns
is that way

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I cringey dingey you guys don't do this

They changed it
you can copy paste it now
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>no more noko or lose your thread forever

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Are you retarded?

truly, all is lost

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