The crown killer has been terrorising Serkonos for years before the events of the game

>The crown killer has been terrorising Serkonos for years before the events of the game
>You find them and deal with them about two hours into the game
>No suspense or red herrings, literally the first suspect you find
>Hey bro, you wanted the crown killer as an overarching antagonist? Nah here's Delilah again lmao
All I feel is rage

Attached: bruh.jpg (362x550, 21.55K)

The plot wasn't written for raging homosexuals, which is the reason you didn't like it.


I hated this, too. There really were so many tiny things that would have greatly improved the game and required no extra effort. And then I really want to know who thought it would be a good idea to bring back Delilah and the black woman who betrayed Daud of all characters.
And I’ll never forgive the lack of the Overseer music boxes that dampened magic. They would have been so good paired with the clockwork soldiers.

arkane consulted with anita and thats more important than logic or consistency

100%ed the game and still don't have a clue what it was about because I didn't give a fuck about muh story lmao

Anyone who played with the female whore protagonist deserves to die, Corvo 4 ever

Attached: The Father.jpg (263x478, 44.55K)

Delilah is cute

Attached: 51074e4ce3c06a9536c420e3f64c1245.png (202x280, 99.13K)

U mean Corvo's daughter.
They were both good but yeah preferred Corvo.
And then Death of the Outsider happened...

Brigmore Witches Delilah > D2 Delilah

This isn’t true, is it?

Attached: a52.jpg (312x245, 13.52K)

user I...

I can't bring myself to finish Death of The Outsider. I'm too focused on those side missions and they slow me down.

haha rooty tooty point and shooty :D

Threadly reminder that Daud’s reason for wanting to kill the Outsider is literally
>I abused the powers he gave me and killed important people for money and this resulted in chaos. How could he be so evil?

I thought he just didn't want others to use the power. Still retarded of Daud though.

that black womyn that you can kill in two games is cononically a dyke and is more powerful than the void itself

Is she though? Is she anything without the Sword? She wouldn't be able to do anything if she didn't rob the bank funny considering she's black and got the sword.

I haven't seen a 180 turn as blatant as Daud's between his DLC and DotO
>KoD/BW is all about how your choices have consequences
>DotO: Yeah it's all the Outsiders fault!
and to top it all off they kill him off screen

>canonically a dyke
Where is this revealed? Do they at least kiss?

You can interact with some things that reveal that she had a gf that died and left her the bonecharm that lets her talk to rats. That's it. Overall a well made dyke character that doesn't shove it in your face.

Too bad her personality makes up for it

The problem I had with Billy wasn't even her character. She just has lame as fuck powers with a cool sword she stole halfway through.

Her powers were cool but the whole DLC was not really suited to stealth playthroughs sadly. You could do some really nifty tricks with chain teleporting even through windows or sneaking in with farsight to place ghosts and teleport on them from weird places.

I liked the identity stealing and teleportation, but that power that lets you scout the area was lame. I was never a fan of Dark Vision so I saw no point other then to plan your routes.

The teleport works though a variety of windows, grates and whatnot, as long as you have line of sight to the image. Farsight was great to fly in a room, place your images and then teleport on them from somewhere up high.

On the flipside, I never once used the identity steal because I wanted a pure ghost playthrough. Which is almost fucking impossible mind you, due to the way some areas completely railroad you.

The outsider remade her using parts of some dead ancient void creature. She only kills him because he allows it, he doesn't want to be the outsider anymore.

I didn't even know that until after I played the game.

Bringing back Delilah was a HUGE mistake.

>Which is almost fucking impossible mind you, due to the way some areas completely railroad you.
>That sidequest where you need to rob the bank without being detected
>Everyone automatically wakes up once you get to the top floor with the office and vault
Fuck that mission, breaking the vault was cool though. I just wish we had more variety, which is an overall reason I can't finish. There are plenty of paths but just a lackluster of cool tools to use and upgrade.

I genuinely could not remember any powers from DotO and reading this brought it back.
It's like I repressed the memories of the game, shit

>>Everyone automatically wakes up once you get to the top floor with the office and vault

Let me guess, you disabled the wall of light in front of the stairs. Yeah, that alerts the robot and he wakes up everyone else. Same with the electric floor in the basement. I was actually impressed by this shit, made me restart the bank section a few times.