Now that the dust has settled, shitposting aside

Now that the dust has settled, shitposting aside...
What did Yas Forums think of this game?
Was it boring and filled with bad writing like some say, or a new step forward for Kojima?

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>Was it boring and filled with bad writing like some say, or a new step forward for Kojima?

There is no definitive answer to that, its a very divisive game that wont appeal to everyone. It will always be on a thin line between completely dogshit game and masterpiece

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favorite game moment lads?

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interesting game kept me entrained till the end,
story was elementary school level.

I'll take the hard stance and say that it was just a very mediocre game. The story was god awful and the gameplay was really shoddy. Its only decent aspect was in presentation and atmosphere. No one will look at Death Stranding and take any lasting influence from it. The most positive thing I can say about Death Stranding is that at the very core, the idea of a collaborative walking sim, could be appealing to some people. But even that part of the game had bad execution because the movement and balance mechanics are so bad.

>no Death Grips album
what a shitty ass game. will pirate and mod some Death Grips in there on PC version hits

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>story is shit
neutral side that never played the game here, what makes the story good or bad?
Was it the Princess Beach comment?

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Story is great though, some people just cant into Kojima writing

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all that USA background was silly,
>president acing like queen,
>daughter will be next in line,
>senators acting like vassals,
it is not like how US works,

it would be better if it was a bogus land or even japan or some kingdom in North Europe,or even UK at least it would be semi believable

that muh president motivation killed all story for me.

>Expecting kojima to understand how the US government works
The game is basically about how kojima thinks it's wrong the US is building a wall and doesn't want to be culturally obliterated by millions of welfare dependent south/central americans. Did he say that? No. So we have to either assume he's sneaky about his intentions or just retarded.

Also, I'm not technically overweight I'm obese.

i am not even from states dumb ass.

>it is not like how US works
It's how the UCA works.

he thought setting in US will boost sales but it was mistake, and back fired real bad, then he shat on the Americans.

So basically Kojima is a good game designer with no empathy and bad writing skills.

because story aside game was very good.

No one said you were schizo. Quit talking to yourself.


This, its a fucking fictional world

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>then he shat on the Americans
i mean hes right but for the wrong reason. lashing out at walsharts because they didnt suck his dick is pretty dumb by kojimmy himself

nah! Kojima just don't know a shit about world.

>black entities crossing the border causing the end of the world
He knows a lot.

that's a problem in weebland too.

It's like a little indie game, but with a huge budget and Hollywood actors.

That said, it has some parts and elements to it that are total ass, but I still enjoyed it. It was at least memorable and hat some really nice moments.
For a game that takes place in a ghost infested wasteland with rain that ages you up, it was surprisingly relaxing.

This and H:ZD are the only 2 PS4 exclusives i never finished because the are boring as fuck and i played nearly all of the big exclusives.

>still no musicplayer update

What an absolute blunder, game was great though, story was shit.

Yeah I thought exactly the same, this is the biggest indie game production of all time, and I loved it for that. We're never getting anything like that again so may aswell appreciate it.

Yay Im not banned anymore.
Reminder that the entire story is a metaphor for real life. It's nothing but Kojohnnymotto's artsy farsty views on everything. People are too fat to understand these views, and only look at the surface level stuff.

>it is not like how US works
The real president has tantrums on twitter every day.
He appointed all his family to high positions of power.
George Bush Jr was president not long after George Bush Sr.
I don't know what ingame part you are referring to with the vassal comment, but senators have been openly sucking presidential dick for a long time.

I have till yet to see anyone talk about pic related, what will the gloves do?

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Kojima doesn't know how anything works

It was good if you liked it.

Would you really tell those truck simulator fans that they aren't having fun? It's all a matter of taste, and infact I actually consider this the perfect fusion of "truck simulation" and stealth action.

It's fun if you enjoy the simplicity of a straightforward journey through hazardous territory that's occasionally broken up by dangerous entities. The gameplay is absolutely solid and intuitive.
If you don't like it then don't play it.

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I loved it. The storytelling was special, exceeding everything done thus far in games by a mile.

I was disappointed it wasn't as scary as the trailers, and a lot of stuff from the trailers wasn't really reused.

I thought the gameplay was excellent, and I enjoyed the challenges and general slog of the gameplay.

I understand why people didn't "get it", but there's far more under the surface than it got credit for, and the PC version, if moddable in some way, will be played for a long time. I'm gonna buy it again on PC.

>>president acing like queen,
>>daughter will be next in line,
>>senators acting like vassals,
That's literally how the US works. Look at Bush. Look at the Clintons. Look at Biden.
Powerful people collaborate, that's how the world works. Our entire world runs on Nepotism. Considering the UCA is more of a company posing as a nation.

Seriously, try explaining how presidents don't act like monarchs when Trump fires and replaces people daily.

>most people say gameplay is good but story is bad.
>kojimbots samefaggging to defend the story
>a few say game is bad too.
i see a pattern here

How can you afford that, ps5 has like 80+ exclusives. Are you paying full price?

>Shitposting samefagging that the story is bad and shit on anyone hay disagrees with their autism

>most people say gameplay is good
That's not even true though most people say it's mediocre

Who cares. I think it's good.