Silent protagonists

Do people actually like silent protagonists? Should they be done away with? As of late I feel most of them only hold their respective games' plot back, because the devs claim they're an avatar of the player yet they a lot of them clearly have individual agency and make actions regardless of the player's choices yet still don't have dialogue.

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Depends on the game. Sometimes voice acting is fucking annoying. Wish the fallout 4 protagonist was silent for example while fire emblem and Dragon Quest they should just fucking talk cause they're not a self insert that you created they're the protagonist. I'm not the luminary he can talk however in say pokemon the protag shouldn't speak cause they are your self insert oc. And link shouldn't talk cause hed be annoying they tried it it doesn't work.

It depends a lot on what the game is going for. If there are choices to be had, then the protagonist isn't really silent. The choices you make are your personality. Or if the protagonist is meant to be just a very simple person, then it doesn't really matter what they say.

You can't insert a Nathan Drake or Kratos-type protag into Zelda or DQ and make it work. It would just be weird.

I don't really need a main character telling me what I'm supposed to think about everything, especially in games like BOTW where there's almost always absolutely no reason a normal person would be speaking

HL:Alyx looks amazing in all the playthrough videos I've checked out, but what kills it for me is the fact that Alyx talks. I love HL/2 because Gordon doesn't say a goddamn word, so the game ends up being super comfy all throughout.

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Joker has both a voice and text lines
Same for BOTW link

>have silent protagonist so you can insert into their role
>doesn't let you pick a girl

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People think they dislike silent protagonists, but what they're really hating is merely the uninteresting writing of the NPCs.

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I do. I like em

>I don't really need a main character telling me what I'm supposed to think about everything, especially in games like BOTW
? But BOTW has plenty of cutscenes where someone is telling you what to think, and Link's utter silence comes across as bizarre.

>Joker has both a voice and text lines
So? He literally talks once in a blue moon, and when he does, he''s incapable of string sentences together that are longer than 5 words. He's very much a silent protagonist.

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How convenient that you cut out the part of my post saying "almost"

>Doomguy is not a silent protagonist because he grunts in pain when he takes damage and he has some dialogue during those scrolling texts at the end of episodes.
Based retard.

>silent protagonist for 99% of the game
>says something profound at the very end


why do the same threads get posted every day?

suck a fat cock

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Voiced characters in rpg hold back dialog options. You have noo reason to choose anything if the character acts differently

Voice acting in general is a plague on video games.

I think it’s kind of cool when a character comments on something in the world though. Not when characters won’t shut the fuck up, but when it’s rare like Arthur whistling/singing if you go afk in RDR2. Vernon Snake made rare comments too.

I like silent protagonists when their muteness is used for humor

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Yes, if a character speaks at all, he isn't silent, just reserved.
Every persona protagonist is their own character, not you, you self-inserting retards.

I know you know how fucking stupid thinking tha is. You're just be a smartass about silent protagonists even though all it does is make you look like a dumbass.

trying to be*

Most of the time they’re shit. Sometimes they can be justified if you have a game built around making your own character, where you can pick what your character says, but in games like Dragon Quest or Chrono Trigger it makes no sense.

They are predefined characters with a predefined look, a predefined role in the story, predefined backstories and predefined relationships to other characters, they’re not created by the player, the player had no agency in how they look, why not give them a voice? When something emotional happens, all they do is stand still with a blank look on their face. They have no personality but a bunch of people react to them as if they have one. It’s dumb.

If you want a character reflective of the player then the player should get to decide how they look, what they say, what their backstory is, what their relationship is to other characters, etc. it makes zero sense to make a predefined character with no voice and pretend he is supposed to represent the player.

>I know you know
You don't. What you meant to say was,
>I can't believe someone disagreed with me; I am not prepared to explain my opinion.
You are playing through a very guided story in Persona 5. You see the actions of the MC as your own, but they are not. That is why half the dialogue options do not matter and Morgana tells you when you're allowed to do anything or not.
>Going out on non-approved nights
>OI! Go to bed, Joker.
>Doing literally anything that increases stats
>Wow, I saw you do that Joker, I will give you stat points now.

I can support it in RPG but I despise it in action games like Astral Chain, like not being able to speak even once, fucking retarded.

>silent protagonist for 99% of the game
>says like two lines, both are snarky, off-hand one-liners with zero stakes or importance
Saints' Row 1 was fucking great.

Yes. I also like talking protags.
RPGs with actual characters as protags are cancer

If a character is voiced and has lines beyond "yes" or "no" it's not silent. Simple as.

The inly people that don't like silent protags are NPCs that can't use their imagination to fill in responses. Even autists can self insert as silent awkward types.