Do people actually like silent protagonists? Should they be done away with? As of late I feel most of them only hold their respective games' plot back, because the devs claim they're an avatar of the player yet they a lot of them clearly have individual agency and make actions regardless of the player's choices yet still don't have dialogue.
Silent protagonists
Depends on the game. Sometimes voice acting is fucking annoying. Wish the fallout 4 protagonist was silent for example while fire emblem and Dragon Quest they should just fucking talk cause they're not a self insert that you created they're the protagonist. I'm not the luminary he can talk however in say pokemon the protag shouldn't speak cause they are your self insert oc. And link shouldn't talk cause hed be annoying they tried it it doesn't work.
It depends a lot on what the game is going for. If there are choices to be had, then the protagonist isn't really silent. The choices you make are your personality. Or if the protagonist is meant to be just a very simple person, then it doesn't really matter what they say.
You can't insert a Nathan Drake or Kratos-type protag into Zelda or DQ and make it work. It would just be weird.
I don't really need a main character telling me what I'm supposed to think about everything, especially in games like BOTW where there's almost always absolutely no reason a normal person would be speaking
HL:Alyx looks amazing in all the playthrough videos I've checked out, but what kills it for me is the fact that Alyx talks. I love HL/2 because Gordon doesn't say a goddamn word, so the game ends up being super comfy all throughout.
Joker has both a voice and text lines
Same for BOTW link
>have silent protagonist so you can insert into their role
>doesn't let you pick a girl
People think they dislike silent protagonists, but what they're really hating is merely the uninteresting writing of the NPCs.
I do. I like em
>I don't really need a main character telling me what I'm supposed to think about everything, especially in games like BOTW
? But BOTW has plenty of cutscenes where someone is telling you what to think, and Link's utter silence comes across as bizarre.