Thank you for coming into 7th heaven tonight You look thristy sir, what would you like to drink?

>Thank you for coming into 7th heaven tonight You look thristy sir, what would you like to drink?

Attached: EV9CPpEU4AEJzSs.jpg (640x853, 308.8K)





Cunny juice

milk is fucking gross

She likes black men you know this right?

>All FF7 Remake fan art has Tifa with her original chest size or bigger

Attached: 1586689173602m.jpg (1024x725, 111.55K)

imaging being such a fucking faggot

imaging drinking liquid shit

pint of guinness please


so does your dad, what's your point?

Mutt's Law

Diet Coke

>comparing calcium enhanced water to waste
you fucking mong drink your milk or i'll make you drink kefir

Attached: cunnyposting.jpg (1128x1138, 897.08K)

Listen anons, that gag won't work unless you order a gâteau mille-feuille with Ceylon tea

That milk in your pic looks kinda old user. I don't think she should be drinking that.

Breasts too gigantic

its kefir, and she happens to enjoy it very much

Attached: mmmh delicious.jpg (322x284, 41.36K)

My gf saw this pic over my shoulders and the first thing she said was "with boobs that huge her back must hurt 24/7"

sorry i thought this was the weapons store.

and then you woke up

I would like black men too if I had boobs that big

4channel isn't the den of foreveralones these days user

ugly woman go away

Attached: c9c53836a9da11a217ee65772e31e397.jpg (1080x1417, 943.99K)

She likes black guys you know this right?

Indeed I do as I am a male of African descent.
Widening women's orifices is one of my favorite activities.

Beer please

Can I wake up now then? (Different user)