"lootboxes bad!"

>"lootboxes bad!"
>"weren't TF2 and CSGO two of the games that heavily popularized lootboxes on mainstream games?"
>*cricket noises*
why won't Yas Forums address this?

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They introduced it, then people took them and made them fucking cancer. Lootboxes are not bad for being a loot box, its how they are abused out of pure greed and fucking over their playerbase by a few thats bad

because the pc equivalent of nintoddlrs is steamdrones

I hated them when they first came out but they were cosmetics so it was okay. Then games started locking game features away in lootboxes and it wasn't okay.

>it's not bad when valve does it

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Lootboxes are good when they're purely cosmetic.

Lootboxes are bad anytime EA uses them because EA bad.

>took them and made them cancer
Yas Forums hates Overwatch lootboxes and they are about the same thing except you can't/couldn't literally gamble real money with them

But people have been bitching about them since 2009? The fuck are you on about, fags

people have been bitching about crates since day 1 and still continue to do so

lootboxes are only good when they are cosmetic, and the content can be accessed by other ways other than the lootbox, ie: playing for a long time, or accomplishing something. Once you have paid full price for a game, excluding DLC, you ought to be entitled to everything possible to earn in that game, as long as you work for it.

people have been talking about it since it fucking came out

yeah, they are shit. however, the people who so adamantly cling onto this are just mad because they suck at whichever game -- or both games -- because they tried it out, expecting to be the hulking juggernaut, yet they found out they couldn't even get out of silver. i fucking know your types. the worsening of the industry due to these lootcrates is secondary to your feelings because you were bad at the game when you expected to be good

Fuck each and every one of you weak willed, meet the problem half-way, tards. Lootboxes have no place in game, i dont give a shit if its cosmetic only or not, stop allowing leeway just because its not that bad, thats why were in this mess to begin with.
its people like you who are to blame for allowing gaming to become the money grubbing souless wasteland it has become.

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>get item worth less than a cent
People will defend this.

What about lootboxes paid for with in-game currency in a game where you can't buy in-game currency?

lootboxes are okay within a free-to-play model
prove me wrong, fag

Overwatch were almost fine. Cosmetic only and they also dropped cash that could be spent on specific skins you wanted.

The problem was the seasonal boxes with exclusive skins that couldn't be bought with the lootbox cash.

Because in CSGO, its all cosmetics only

Same in DotA.

People dislike it in TF2 because lootbox items can change how weapons and items work

people blame EA when valve invented this shit in the first place

as long as there's someone willing to pay money for cosmetics, they're gonna keep introducing microtransactions in $60 games

>Not being able to trade them
They were basically worthless. At least with TF2/CS skins and crates you can sell them. A friendly reminder to the anons who haven't touched their inventory for a long while, I'd recommend to check your inventory and see if you have some of the old cases (Bravo Cases, for instance, reached 20 euros)

This, it's hilarious vale fanboy deflection. Bring up DLC, and everyone will rightfully point at Oblivion for being the start, but point at lootboxes and everyone will insist that valve was not the start.

Double standards

didn't like either of those games

Yeah, TF2 and CSGO have shitty lootboxes, does that mean that lootboxes are good because of it?

but it was addressed when lootboxes were actively being talked about like 2 years ago

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Also I'm gay if that matters

Because it's also bad in TF2 and CSGO

I'm Dutch and we have a law against lootboxes.
I can't open crates in TF2 for this reason. I even have a war paint case that I can open WITHOUT KEYS, because It came with a campaign, but my game doesn't allow it for this law. It's also untradable.

>buying video game skins just to sell them
oy vey

There is a difference between skin lootboxes and lootboxes that make SINGLEPLAYER game easier to finish with them

I didn't, lmao. I just had some ancient dota and CS drops which sold for 5 to 20 euros each. Used them to just buy games. I just wanted to point out to anyone who doesn't give two shits about cosmetics to check if they have anything worth to sell

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How's it like in the salt mines lately?

Yas Forums's cognitive dissonance when it comes to valve and based pcmr lord and savior gaben is off the charts. It should be studied and published.

Because trade inventory


>Forced to get crates that shit up your limited inventory

wow, no wonder you people always shitpost about americans