Got nips for 95 bells - anyone want to get em? leave something while you‘re here, getting broke

got nips for 95 bells - anyone want to get em? leave something while you‘re here, getting broke.

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Cute pig. What's her endgame?

Bonjour, Mr. Nook

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crashing the market with no survivors

Yeah i'll buy some

Can I ask a question. How can people be going broke like those viral vtubers when supposedly, people already reverse engineered the code and you can predict the prices for the market if you provide what prices you got?

new code cause wifi got disrupted

You can get a constant decline below buy price for the whole week.

Nobody is actually going broke. We're all making disgusting amounts of bells selling on TT islands while we tell ourselves it's definitely not cheating. Just a gray area, yep.

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I just dumped 700k into nips at 94.

Why do people care about other people TTing?

I mean, I don't do it personally. I kind of thing it ruins the fun a little, but why would anyone care what anyone else does?

I see fuckers on twitter bitching about this all the time.

Missed my turnips this morning, so thanks for that mate.

1h 10 min left
come one come all and leave me a little something. take some fruit if you want too, i got them all

You probably shouldn't care. The only real argument against it is that there's non-TTers unknowingly visiting TT'd islands so it's hard to know what's still "legit" or not. That's the gray area.

no worries Getti

Never bothered to get involved with the turnip shit, but I'm kind of tempted to buy a ton and visit someone else's island for it, however the trust issues I have with Yas Forums kind of keep me away from bothering with it. what can I realistically expect? Should I try my luck visiting someone from Yas Forums or just go to a jap's island instead?

i had 2 ppl buy my nips for 95 already

Just wait until Sunday your time, buy as many as you wanna buy - then check your prices twice a day. Ask your friends what their prices are too.

It's babys first stocks. It's just a fun way to gamble basically.

two nights ago I sold my turnips at an island from here that had furry porn plastered all over their island as you fly in.

Got a nice laugh from it, sold my turnips, then left as the host greeted then clapped while I left.

Most of Yas Forums are just shy virgins that want to be accepted by others. They don't have it in them to fuck others over.
And as long as you don't pay admission fees, there's nothing that could happen except for you wasting your time

Thanks OP, have a wallpaper

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>got diy but ashamed of island

Yas Forums is good, but there's usually more people going to those islands than the Jap islands in the daytime. If you go at normal American nighttime to a Jap island, there'll be no line because it's like 4am in Japan.

thank you

>got DIY but it's just some stupid block furniture that literally everyone has by default

why can you even get DIYs for this shit?

>only got 800k for nips

Why is Nintendo so bad at multiplayer? This game has probably the most annoying multiplayer ever, constant Wuh-Ohs! while trying to join a server because the game can't handle someone being in a dialogue screen and someone loading in at the same time. Then there's the mandatory cutscenes for leaving and joining islands that last at least 30 seconds and interrupt everyone on the island.

any Yas Forumsros kind enough to let me buy turnips in their island? I live in Australia and forgot to wake up early this morning...

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It's a social game so one person cheating affects the whole community I guess.


Turnips selling for 90 and last time I checked cheddar was still crafting golden candelabras.

I'll be there in 10mn if you're still up, my gf si finishing her island expedition. thanks brother.

95bells per nip

Another user with 95 here, Daisy is all the way in the northwest corner.

Come to me if OPs island is full, 5BQCP