How are you Yas Forums?

How are you Yas Forums?

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having a couple of glasses of gin and tonic tonight

wish i had a qt Yas Forums gf(boy) to cuddle and fug

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Hopefully, when this quarantine ends, I can find a job and find my own place.

>gin and tonic
>gf (boy)

Truly based.

Kill yourself

Me on the right

Incel thread

Procrastinating home office, but thanks for asking. How about you user?

Not yet.

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What is the non-family?

post stu you fake fucking 4am thread

you that motherfucker that always posts his tomoko steam profile in steam threads

>Procrastinating home office

On a Sunday?
Home office is great though, I sleep near my work laptop and still get paid.

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I'm melancholic and tired, so feeling pretty normal.

Do you still hate me?

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who here /work in IT/ WFH comfy

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are you cute? post bussy

pls b in brisbane

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add me up losers

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Work from home is alright.

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Although I basically just play Degrees of Lewdity during working hours.

Sorry I'm in California.

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> mfw playing dragon quest xi for half an hour or so every time i finish a task

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how are things going there with covid-chan?

Australia is pretty chill these days but kinda sucks with no real Happening i guess

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based drunk slav

Is this what they call tsundere?
Nothing really happened except now I have to work from home.

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What games have you been playing faggot

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I thought you lived in Germany

Every morning I go to sleep thinking of nothing but the bitter void between my hands, where a loved one should normally be.
It's not like I'm some hate-filled hideous monster that doesn't deserve love, I just wish I could meet somebody worth living for.
At this point I don't even care if you're female, I'm in such a fucking dire need of human contact I think I'm about to lose my mind.

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I'm 30, with a kid, a bitch of an ex wife, £9000 in direct debt, £12000 in student debt, and I'm in a key worker position and haven't had a day off in 4 weeks. I'm fucking fine.

>Falling for the 3DPD meme
See above

maybe you shouldn't have opted for 3d sluts faggot

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>I'm in such a fucking dire need of human contact I think I'm about to lose my mind.

I know that feel.
It only gets worse.
But the worst part is, you will never actually lose your mind.

None. my pc isn't working
That's other person.
>21k debt and divorced

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i unironically appreciate you bros for giving me a place to be a fucking autistic sperg faggot

helps a lot with the pandemic going on to just be open about anything no matter how i feel

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>That's other person.
Oh, there's two of you now. Because the other you deleted me from Steam.
Yeah, until the stupid fucking jannies come in and delete these threads like they normally do. God forbid they do something about the endless FF7:R shilling though.

Why would you get married in the current year? That's like playing Russian roulette with three bullets loaded in the cylinder.

desu those chances are still too good to be compared to marriage