Nintendo 64 was one of the consoles ever made

Nintendo 64 was one of the consoles ever made.

How did the Gamecube drop the ball so hard? Luigi's Mansion, Smash, and Pikmin did nothing for the sales numbers.

Attached: Nintendo 64.jpg (299x137, 7.21K)

>Nintendo 64 was one of the consoles ever made.
You're right on this part at least

>Nintendo 64 was one of the consoles ever made.
indeed it was, what an astute observation.

The N64 damaged GC sells just like the Saturn damaged the Dreamcast

>Before N64
Now your playing with power/super power!
>During the N64
Now you're playing kiddie shit

>Before the N64
Nintendo pushes the boundaries of their systems and has a lot of good hardware choices
>During the N64
They choosed cartridges over CDs and crippled the N64 with a DD64 that was delayed, also, expansion pack is a thing

>Before the N64
Every major third party either wanted to make games for Nintendo systems or was forced by Nintendo itself
>During the N64
Every major third party dropped the N64 because of their bullshit actions and the cartridges were a pain in the ass

GC was fine, but Nintendo image was already damaged so a lot of third parties dropped them because they felt there were no market for them. If you compare the multiplats that released for the GC most of them run better on it compared with the PS2 version.
The only real issue with the GC that wasn't inherited from the N64 was the lack of online features/infrastructure for third parties. A shame, TimeSplitters 2 and Future Perfect on the GC with online options would had been amazing.

>How did the Gamecube drop the ball so hard?
They should've consoled it more. That was something the N64 did better.

>Now you're playing kiddie shit

>implying the SNES didn't have a kiddie problem

>Before the N64
>Nintendo pushes the boundaries of their systems and has a lot of good hardware choices
Nintendo hardware was always weaker than the competition until the N64, I agree they made some good hardware choices though like mode 7 and the SNES soundchip using samples instead of FM.

>>Before N64
>Now your playing with power/super power!
>>During the N64
>Now you're playing kiddie shit
This is complete bullshit. The NES and SNES had tons of games censored by Nintendo that weren't on others such as MK. The N64 was when they finally started opening up to mature content being on their platform.

>If you compare the multiplats that released for the GC most of them run better on it compared with the PS2 version.

Only system worth a damn that was stronger than SNES was Neo Geo.

what are your best n64 games?

>Now you're playing kiddie shit
Nintendo had this reputation since the NES era. Adults in the 1980s straight up avoided Nintendo for home computers like the C64 or Apple II.

Your gish gallop was already thoroughly BTFO in that thread.

>Bionic Commando

Keep dreamin'

Attached: 1494986217885.png (2000x1293, 210.25K)

>playstation and gamecube losers battling it out for second place while the Chadbox is the undisputed king

Like I said, you already got BTFO. The other user in /vr/ is right. Some specs on what it theoretically can do doesn't matter to anyone. Its games looked shittier on average, end of story.

I'd say that's more a consequence of vidya in general being percieved as childidh.


>Its games looked shittier on average
Then why does this keep happening OVER AND OVER AND OVER with GameCube multiplats?

The only multiplats that look better on GameCube are those that started out as GameCube exclusives.

Attached: 1439551591945.jpg (1695x480, 222.12K)

It doesn't. You cherrypick the same three images over and over again of devs that were too stupid or lazy to port worth a damn. Fact is, other devs achieved what they couldn't.

>You cherrypick the same three images over and over again of devs that were too stupid or lazy to port worth a damn

This is the 7th game that has been referred to now. How far do you want to go?

Attached: 1439551591935.png (1918x558, 1.6M)

Much like the N64, the GC was kneecapped by a retarded storage format. Not only did the mini discs have shit storage capacity, but it was also missing the all important dvd player, which was a legit reason many people bought a PS2. Didn't help that the launch window titles were pretty lackluster. Hardware sales lagged, 3rd party support suffered, and it never recovered.

gamecube was basically a N64-Pro

This is one of the threads of all time

Metal Arms Glitch in the System, Splinter Cell and All three Prince of Persia games look better on GCN over PS2. I don't even like Gamecube that much but to pretend it was the weaker console compared to the PS2 is ridiculous. Outside of some lazy port jobs multiplat tiers went Xbox >>>> GCN > PS2

It's telling that, not only was the PS2 version of Sonic Heroes was the absolute worse, but also the fact that Sega had to be threatened by Sonic to port it over to it. Mikami also said he'd rather cut his own head off than develop games for it. Not to mention games like Resident Evil looking God awful on it.

The Gamecube's big selling point was... performance.

Nintendo never makes performance a selling point, usually it's games or new technologies. They most often have worse performance than the competitors, which was not only Playstation at the time, but also Xbox.

I hope we aren't ignoring the PS2 rendering in a retarded resolution (the circle isn't a circle) and is clearly a lower resolution based on the UI scaling.

The N64 had a fucking terrible library, and this is coming from someone who loved it.
The only reason it beat the Saturn was because Sega barely supported it.

The user posting that is. I recognized that immediately. He's well known for posting a whole lot of bullshit, and hopes you don't smell it.

*threatened by Sony

>Nintendo never makes performance a selling point
Most of their games run well, with barely any glitches or bugs to speak of. They're meticulous about that.

Nintendo had a complete identity crisis after the N64.
Remember the tribal Mario tattoo?
When Nintendo made a good horror game?
They had no clue what they were doing and who they were trying to market the GCN to

Attached: 5193_3.jpg (500x350, 77.99K)

Yeah, but it still isn't their selling point.

They don't make commercials with "our games don't have bugs!"

Compare the announcement of the Switch with the PS5 for example.

For the PS5 we get a list of technical specifications, lke the amount of teraflops, before we've even seen the console, controller or the games.

For the switch, we got to see the design, the new handheld/tabletop mode, gameplay for some games, etc before we heard of any technological specifications.