Now that the dust has settled, which one did it better?

Now that the dust has settled, which one did it better?

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One Argentinian outdid an army of Spaniards.

>argentinian in a cave with a box of scraps outdoes europoor studio with big nintendo budget

As a fan of Metroid Prime I find Samus Returns extremely tedious, hopefully AM2R is better

AM2R, although the Metroid fights in SR are way better.

AM2R is the best 2D metroid so that

>SR metroid fights
>Parry simulator

>an asset shuffle of Super/ZM/Fusion

AM2R is a good fan game, SR feels more like a proper title.
AM2R fags need to be gassed though.


>plays like super metroid/zero mission
>nice 16-bit era graphics and looks like the classic 2D metroid games
>adds shit tons of stuff but stays loyal to the original, just like metroid zero mission did
>on pair with super metroid and zero mission
>made by one guy and his computer

>samus return
>shitty unnatural melee attacks that cheese most the game
>graphics are less appealing
>changes things for no reason
>made by a studio with a real budget
>nintendo was so butthurt about AM2R quality they had to take it down so their remake stood a chance

Back then there were lots of baiters and corporate cocksuckers defending nintendo. But the majority of 2D metroid fans will pick AM2R any day.

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Have you actually played either game? SR's Metroid fights make sparing use of the counter and feel like proper fights, whereas AM2R's Metroid fights are basically regular enemies with bloated health that can either arbitrarily block half of your attack or can stunlock the shit out of you if you get hit.

Nobody thinks SR is better. SR is still a good game though

>AM2R's Metroid fights are basically regular enemies with bloated health that can either arbitrarily block half of your attack or can stunlock the shit out of you if you get hit.
Just like OG Metroid then... As it should be the way

They are both decent versions of the game. AM2R had a better style to it, though it was made by someone with less of a time constraint and more of a passion as a fan over a corporation with a bunch of suits. Samus Returns was an ok game in its own right, though probably one of the weaker 2d metroids, Super, Zero Mission, and Fusion were all better

SR was fine, but AM2R is what everyone wanted

I wish someone made a fan Wario Land game

AM2R is better, but they both compliment each other. Sakamoto has an obsession with making metroid more action focused and it just isn't working, ZM is the least offending of the games he's led in this regard and it's why its his best

>everyone wanted
maybe if the fanbase was made exclusively of superbabies

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>OP: which one do you prefer SR or AM2R?
>everyone: AM2R

I liked Samus Returns but I enjoyed AM2R more

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>Just like OG Metroid then... As it should be the way
If that's your line of thinking then you should just stick to the original then, remakes can and should be making improvements (as the rest of AM2R does).

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The problem is, the remake did improve on it but made it more tedious.
There was literally nothing wrong with how OG boss fight were handled

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AM2R easily. What pisses me off though is it's been like 26 years and it took a FAN to actually make a 2D Metroid that wasn't on some shitty handheld with gimped graphics and beep bop sounds. I mean, just look at Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion and it just doesn't even compare. I liked Fusion, but geez, imagine if that was on the Super Nintendo or a more modern console or handheld? Ugh. Metroid has taken a lot of hits over the years cause of dumb decisions, so maybe it's not even salvageable or very profitable at this point.


This, AM2R honestly feels like a true sequel to Super Metroid which in itself is highly commendable

I'm hoping that the Metroid team takes a long hard look at AM2R and learns lessons from it for Metroid 5.

AM2R is the definition of soul

AM2R is like if someone made a Resident Evil 2 remake but with the same style and quality of REmake 1.