All the girls want Samuel Hayden

>all the girls want Samuel Hayden
>nobody's lusting after Doomguy

What did they mean by this?

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It's his intimidating voice.


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Doomguy is a schizo autist and without his mask he looks like a neanderthal with downs in eternal

Can we just get some boston dynamics robots with fleshlights and dildos so we all can be efficiently fucked and milked?

>he doesn't know about Elena Richardson's audiologs
A-user, I...

Boston Dynamics works for the US military, they create war machines, not stupid sex toys.

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Still looks like an overgrown child

Now he just looks realistic autistic.

So an adult?

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i was about to say that

check tumblr

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He's based on the original one, this is the concept art.

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Doomguy is for demon killing, not for sex

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>commanding voice
>position of authority
>angry manlet
not really surprising

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Slayer is pure virgin, sex is for degenerates

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...who is that?

nigger i just want a gay robot/alien demon to fuck/eat/marry me

girls fucking love robot dudes, user, pretty much every girl I've met has had a fetish for them
the sexy baritone helps, too

He is gritty sadistic homo with little emotion, like modern vampires or sasuke these types of characters attracte internet girls

Hayden is pretty manly compared to modern vampires or anime characters



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unrelated but im working on a picture of Doomguy and Master Chief shopping at the Green Helmet store

Attached: DoomguyNchief.jpg (1200x860, 398.96K)

With these people I can't tell if they're taking the piss or if they're serious

Sauce? Is it the name of the pic?

I prefer Marauder

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it's a website wholly made up with schizophrenics. They believe what they write, user.

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That literally looks like the HUD doomguy in 3D

>dat voice
I can see why

>girls have shit taste
What else is new. My current gf is only with me because I abuse her.

I thought tumblr died after the porn ban?

It's supposed to.

>people drawing Doomguy with VEGA
But didn't VEGA get left behind on Urdak?