Why did you stop playing Dota 2?

Why did you stop playing Dota 2?

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I never started, fuck MOBA trash

Patch 7.0 changed the game too much for me.

I just kind of lost interest, I don't really know why

No good porn of Io


7.00 happened

>play casual mode because not autistic enough for ranked
>smurf on my team and theirs
>they talk shit back and forth all game
>enemy team wins
>our smurf flames us for not being as good as him

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Been playing since 05. Just seems samey every time I play. And I have run out of patience with the brain-dead community.

So what if you get flamed? It's much worse to be the flamer because he has to put up with 4 noobs

I didn't like the direction they took the game, plus it's just not very fun solo

It's not that I got flamed, it's that I tried to play casual as a new player and it was full of smurfs. How are you supposed to learn a game when your matches are full of salty rankedfags trying to feel better about themselves?

after 2k hours I realized that dota 2 is one of those games (not necessarily videogames) which keep being fun only if you're VERY good at them and you play against other very good players, in the case of dota 2 you have to be on top of the leaderboards
since it wasn't my case and the games were generally some kind of shitfest I stopped enjoying my playtime

>not a big fan of the direction the game's going in
>friends stopped playing it
>it's 15 gigs, I could be using that space for games I enjoy playing even if my friends aren't

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Ember Mars or Void spirit in literally every single game ive played for the past 3 months

You learn by listening to people who are better than you

its beyond cancer
t. 10k hours

I haven't seen a single one of those. What bracket are you in?

The first 2000 hours of discovery were amazing and fun, but I eventually got to the point where winning felt mediocre and losing infuriated me. Not a healthy way to spend leisure time.

by muting them and realizing they're most likely shit which is why theyre smurfing

Even custom games are shit

7.00 was trash and things haven't gotten better.

Low divine
Peaked at 5400

so you're trash

Currently trying to learn how to play Io but I just get fucking destroyed in turbo

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Yeah, im not that good.
Why is it fucking relevant in the FACT that i stated you baboon?

That would be great if they ever actually helped you out instead of autistically screeching because you didn't meet their expectations of knowing the game so intimately that you could beat a pro team by running 5 windows of dota on one computer.

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I suck and when you're not winning Dota 2 is the least fun game you can possibly play


Every top streamer gets these heroes in their games.

Id also add Rubick as a permanent hero

>spend 30 bucks for the rubick arcana
>you have to grind like a pack animal to unlock every effect
fuck (((gaben))), I've spent 30 bucks on a goddamn skin, give me everything that comes with it immediately

I stopped being good at it
I can't keep up with the shitty meta
I don't care about positions and don't think they're real
I hate the new heroes
I hate matchmaking
I can't even remember the last game I carried
I can't even remember the last time I was the highest level at 10 minutes
I can't remember the last time I got to go mid, it's been so long I don't even want to play it
I feel like there's no time in a game to just experiment and enjoy it anymore
I have no idea how good or bad the new items are and by the time I get them the next tier is out
And I especially hate the eSports factor

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