Is it possible for speedrunners to be completely normal functioning human beings or are they doomed to forever be a...

Is it possible for speedrunners to be completely normal functioning human beings or are they doomed to forever be a walking talking autist?

Attached: Clint Stevens.jpg (1280x720, 87.21K)

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why did you choose the most normal functioning speedrunner for your example

they can be high functioning, but the autism tends to pull them into retard spirals like furries or transexualism

You cannot be a speed runner and NOT be autistic, it's an oxymoron

Speedrunning in itself is one of, if not THE, most autistic branch of gaming. Crunching numbers to their fullest, exploiting every single possible flaw or advantage possible for a game, spending literal YEARS playing the same level over and over again in hopes of improving a couple of nanoseconds.

Holy shit these people are robots

Calebhart42 is pretty normal.

Attached: D9iETRkXUAUkM4p.jpg (1200x1200, 140.05K)

Clint is kinda normal compared to most speedrunners

does clint even count as a speedrunner?

is reese malcolminthemiddle a speedrunner now?


Just because he goes to the gym doesn't mean he's what you would consider normal

Speedrunners can be normal, good ones can't.

Yeah, all the speedrunners that only drop one or two PBs on a leader board because they're just playing their favourite game. Some people that do joke runs are okay but nor many.

He roid rages hard and breaks shit like an ape. Opposite of a normally functioning human being. Half expect him to shoot up a mall one of these days because he fucked up a frame perfect jump

>high percentage of transgenderism
>speedrunner cringe compilations
Yeah, real normal stuff here.

Attached: don't look up this pic.jpg (644x587, 67.72K)

>he still believe in the inner gorilla meme
Caleb has mellowed out of the years. The only thing he did wrong was say nigger and even then that was in private.

pay prezoh

I'm still new to this whole speedrunner culture. You got any recommended speedrunners, Yas Forums?

Attached: 4ymp3.jpg (500x414, 22.07K)



Been lifting since 2012, im still a shut-in NEET incel loser idiot subhuman.

Why do nerds think going to the gym makes you Chad? Body is meaningless, people and women only care about your FACE, HEIGHT and STATUS, not muscles.

This is what the average speedrunner looks like

Attached: trihex-de1a7727-fb35-4f09-b802-d8651d6e64e-resize-750.jpg (600x800, 70.31K)

>GDQ bans both Trihex and Calebhart for life

Depends on which games you're interested in since most speedrunners only focus on a few each if not just one. For instance if you like the Zelda series Linkus7 is a pretty entertaining one.

>Shills for Fakku on his stream.



They banned all the fun

cause gdq is shit

What the fuck is wrong with his ribcage

Someone who works a normal job, has a normal life, and just does autistic nerdy speedrun shit on the side? Yes. Plenty of people have autistic nerdy shit on the side. That's dandy.
Someone who's a complete shut-in, who relies on donations and superchats for their livelihood, and who relies on "muh community" for a rough approximation of human contact? They're probably in for some shit at some point.

>Someone who's a complete shut-in, who relies on donations and superchats for their livelihood, and who relies on "muh community" for a rough approximation of human contact? They're probably in for some shit at some point.

In for what shit? Explain if youre going to say such doomsday tier shit


Funcitonal human beings do not obsess over video games or media in any form. Speedrunners, podcasters, MLG esport pros, that one girl who has Harry Potter pictures all over her wall, etc. These are all people who would've been hanged in ancient times.

In my opnion, it's time we go back to age-old traditions.

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>as he posts faggot anime pics
You get the rope first.

>Chris Evans Face
>Works for my county
I made a pretty chad life for myself.

Seethe, cope, and dilate.

Says the anime tranny.

Roided albino.

>moetranny talks about degeneracy

My boy ela jazz is pretty chill

nice hard nip

Unironically kyll yourself


Not trans

To be a speedrunner you have to play the game for thousands of hours doing the same thing every single time trying to get a 0.001 better time.

What a shame

So it's no different from being a racecar driver is what you're saying?