Male harpies may not exist, as no male harpies have been reported...

>Male harpies may not exist, as no male harpies have been reported. Harpies will breed with captive males of many species, though they prefer elves, orcs, and humans to either smaller or larger species.

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oh wow! I sure do wish they would capture me. teehee.

Blizzard's artstyle is so goddamn dull.

Yep, and then they eat the males they "rape".

Harpies comes from elves. Orcs are aliens and humans have a completely different genealogy tree from elves.

Am I supposed to just go with "haha wild god magic goes woosh" and not expect any kind of subspecies of harpies to spawn from nonelven heritages? Does Warcraft work on pokemon logic? Why the fuck does the curse of flesh exist when rock niggers turns fleshy anyways like orcs? Why the fleshy dicks? Do Iron vrykul have steel tits and dicks?

All lore related to the titans and lovecraft gods is shit and will always be shit.

Cosmic Warcraft is such a waste

Yeah, they should have left all of that stuff vague or just not included it. I noticed it lacked any substance at all when realized the lovecraftian horror gods were just as easily killable as the rest of the shit you face. Lovecraft just doesn't work in a setting where 20 random dudes can get together and kill gods.

What they should've done is paid some actual fantasy author to sort out the universe for them.
Get Erikson or Sanderson on board to guide them through an outline that isn't completely retarded.

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Nothing in Warcraft lore should work under basic scrutiny. It is comic book levels of dipshit rule of cool retardation.

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Warcraft lore was serviceable before WOW fucked it up. Vanilla didn't have many retcons, TBC was the start of the end, but I don't hold it against it too bad because it gave us blue space tieflings with nice asses.

wait, this is warcraft lore?
this sounds like it came out of fucking monster girl encyclopedia.

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are you forgetting half elves, half orcs and half draenei and all that dumb shit?
blizzard already decided that "haha magic go woosh", the better question is why do you even care anymore

>that one ending in tales of androgyny

a fair trade

>They will (((breed))) with captives
>Somehow a female on male rape is not described as such

And then some absolute madman made it into a section for VHS

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>Female goblins may not exist, as no female goblins have been reported. Goblins will breed with captive females of many species, though they prefer elves, orcs, and humans to either smaller or larger species.

Man, i watched all of them, good shit. I like that cult in the 2nd one i think it was.

3rd was shit

Why is it that in modern fiction harpies are always depicted as intelligent? In the myths they were savage beasts that just happened to have human features.


>half draenei half orc
That was literally someone just injecting his or her fetish, and completely fucking up any sense of realism or believability Warcraft could have hoped it had.

We see plenty of female goblins in wow

Theres that canon text in the game were Deathwing was planning to constantly rape Alextsraza and Ysera in the Dragon Soul Nightmare.
the text used ''forcefully breed'' words. Literally Dragon Rape in the lore.

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> Many dragons are shapeshifters, able to change to a mortal guise at will. They do this for a variety of reasons, including fitting in smaller spaces, talking to mortal races or even for enjoyment,[11] notably because soft skin is more sensitive to receiving a loving touch than hardened scales.[12]

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Garona's origin is that orc male raped a draenei, also canon

haha imagine getting kidnapped and used as a sex slave by a tribe of sexy harpies

They just don't want to use the word, as seen in , you insufferable snowflake

I mean, who wouldnt?

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It's not rape if the men are willing

wheres the line about tranny harpies that identify as male ?
this is hate speech basically

>an orc would totally never rape a draenei, not even once throughout history, gotta put the noble in noble savage afterall

even now I can recognize that shit a mile away

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I wouldn't say always, but they don't have to be retarded in order to be savage

Degenerate fucking bullshit card glad it got nerfed

Are their origins ever really expanded on other than >Harpies comes from elves

Were they cursed to be this way?

just kys