Valorant is a really fun game. Wow

Valorant is a really fun game. Wow.

Attached: Valorant.jpg (1000x563, 71.23K)

where's the fucking porn


>Friendship ended with fortnite, now Valorant is my best friend

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doesnt exist
yeah its p good

Nice try, Chang

is it true that riot hires kids as security consultants? see a lot of posts on reddit about it.
also why can't i run certain programs on my system if i have that anti virus thing needed to play?

You already made this thread with this same text and picture

>You already made this thread with this same text and picture

What are you even talking about? You got the wrong person.

>Wow just tried this game out through some connections and all I can say is this is literally the perfect online multiplayer FPS. Far surpassing CS:GO in everyway. This game is going to explode in popularity soon. Way better than that Diabotical retro bait FPS

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Literal boogeyman.

There's another one of these fotm shooters every week, and this one is made by one of the scummiest gaming companies to currently exist, and it comes with a free rootkit.

No thanks.

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>this one is made by one of the scummiest gaming companies to currently exist

You get permabanned?

no their rootkit driver scanner thing won't let me play unless i remove drivers they don't like.
guy told me to submit report ticket or something and i did, just not to riot, sent it to microsoft.


I wonder how long it'll take a legit malicious actor to compromise Vanguard and if Panda already had hands on it from the get-go

I kinda want to set up a physical box outside my network to just watch the damn thing over the next few months and see what it tries to do.


You're lying. No proof nigger.

what is there to lie about and why are you so upset? it's not hard to contact M$ support and give them the files that riot wants. they will help riot work out the problems.



"chinese botnet" doesn't fit my definition of fun. Hard pass.

what's so hard about uploading the BSOD .dmp to microsoft after vgk.sys causes it and why does it need "proof"? I don't get it.

proof tho?

oh i get it, you want me to upload the .dmp?
umm nah.

no proof no believe

that's too bad :(
use code scanner thing?

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no screenshots no reliable source you're bullshitting

oh SNAP found a FIX.
just used old version of their rootkit

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really riot? i mean.

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>zoomer game with chinese rootkit