Yes, I am of the opinion that while there is no "correct" way to play a game...

>Yes, I am of the opinion that while there is no "correct" way to play a game, there are certainly wrong ways to play them

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Why yes I do play Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life. How could you tell?

muscles on women are disgusting

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this. the ideal woman is a skeleton draped in skin and fat.

>Case in point - playing a JRPG purely for the main story while leaving out the side quests and extra content, is most definitely a wrong way to play a JRPG

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Ok hbomberguy but that is contradictory.

Is Yas Forums even capable of making an original thread anymore or is it nothing but Reddit fags recycling the same 5 memes forever?
Wojack varitons
Monochrome muscle person
Cropped porn
Even your topics are stale you just make the same thread over and over. It's like this board is stuck in Groundhog Day.

True. Here is what an ideal women body looks like.

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>why yes I'm a faggot, how could you tell?

>play game in an unnecessarily suboptimal way that even defeats early and midgame success resulting in long-term withdrawl and defeat

>don't tell me how to play dude im just having fun

ah huh, and you quit the game after just a few sessions because your interpretation of fun is "failure without learning"? Seen it all before mate

Any more pics if gigastacy?

She should have visible pubes and armpit hair

he's right, you know?

Why is gigachad a tranny now

Because the future is trans.

nice projection

>haha no u r fag

Ha, faggot!

get a load of this fag

Attached: FB_IMG_1564238786790.jpg (1509x2000, 419.3K)

Wife material right there

Lol you got the roasties all riled up. Based user.

W-wait, strong women look like THAT ?

Attached: unnamed (2).jpg (500x500, 21.31K)

holy shit post more

Captain you are giving off readings of based thought impossible by federation standard!

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The masculine T-shape/upside down triangle shape that men have is not just the result of the bones but also the muscles.
The hourglass or pear shapes that women have isn't just the result of bone structure but also a considerably lesser amount of muscle coupled with subcutaneous fat deposits around the thighs and hips.
As a woman gets more muscular, those fat deposits diminish. Its fine if they only work out their legs because the thighs can still have feminine shape to them even with extremely low amounts of fat. However, when a woman actually LIFTS weights, her upper body starts to pack on muscle. Her breasts slowly become smaller until her chest looks like a tranny with implants. Her hip bones become the only indication of her femininity but may be obscured by yet more muscle that continues to grow and bulge out. Their trapezius muscles lose their dip, obliques lose their curve, and both bulge outwards.
Truly horrifiying.
Thats why women try to lift light weights and do mostly cardio.
Muscles on a woman are gross.
The more muscles you like on a woman, the more suspect of homosexuality you become.
TLDR: Die faggot.

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>all the insecure homos replies
Nailed it right on the head. A masculine feature on a woman's body never looks good.

True facts up in this thread. Women with muscles are the biggest roasties who will end up alone and unloved.

Hm, Based Department? One of your staff members is running loose.


Is it Evangelion cosplay?

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