Deus Ex

So I'm a zoomer and decided to play this game because of all the memes.
I knew the graphics would be ancient and bad so I mentally prepared for it before playing. After finishing the game I realized one thing: this game is a fucking masterpiece. All the modern games are so stripped compared to this.
The plot, the dialogues, the freedom of ways to solve a problem, the stealth, hacking, snooping. And all of the information. Turns out every executive order in the game actually exists irl. Tracer Tong is pretty much Ted Kaczynski. J.C. could stand for Jesus Christ and in the Helios ending the background behind looks like a cross sybolising Denton becoming a cyber messiah. And so many more of these ideas.
This game is literally older than I am and yet it's one of the best games I played. At last I truly see why oldfags complain about modern games.

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congrats now uninstall fortnite

Are you seeking approval or something?

I thought this would be a shit post but I was pleasantly surprised.

No, I'm just sharing my astonishment. Like how could a game be so old and yet so interesting.

Now play Thief.

and System Shock 2

play the malkavian mod

i just started it the other day, couldn't stand to play it more than 20 minutes.
gameplay sucks ass nowadays

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>This game is literally older than I am

Oh God. I am too old for this place.

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Did they do the whole game?

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Where the fuck is my S2 of gay foxes though.

no but its still in development. the last update was 10 months ago

Thanks for the tip. After completing Deus Ex I wanted to know more about it and who made it. Turns out people who made it also worked on Thief, System Shock 2 and Bioshock. So I'm adding all those older games to my list.

Bioshock isn't particularly good.
You could also try getting into Ultima Underworld, though I personally never did.

Does anyone have any interesting articles related to the writing of Deus Ex? I know they took inspiration from conspiracy theory radio shows in Texas (literally Alex Jones), but that's about as far as I got.

now go play the Thief games, kid.

check out the deus ex bible.

i know that feel

Im playing mankind divided right now and having a blast. Why didnt you faggots tell me this game was so good??

Never, we have to guide zoomers, this place will become a monastery

Because Yas Forums is full of normalfag retards who can't appreciate good gameplay and will parrot any stupid reason to shit on already unpopular games that they never actually cared much about.

System shock 2 has not aged well. But what would be cool is if someone remade it in vr like they did doom and quake.
Deus ex has aged like wine cause it was a good game mechanically and the writing has gotten better with time as it still is relevant 20+ years later.

You should also try System Shock 1. Play the Enhanced Edition though. The original controls can be pretty rough but the Enhanced Edition makes it a lot better.

deus ex's gameplay mechanics are shitty. It's the level design and how it ties into the mechanics which makes it good

Wtf since when is bioshock old? God I'm getting old. It's just kill big daddy save little sister I remember ripping on it when it was new as being over rated garbage. Deus ex is a gem though glad you played it

My only big issue with SS2 is how it's a lot more RPG than 1 and how you need to spend skillpoints to do anything. I much prefer the Deus Ex way of being able to do everything, you're just inefficient without spending points. My perfect game would be System Shock 3 that took lessons from both previous games as well as Deus Ex.

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Well yea the level design plays hand in hand with the mechanics. It's a game that knew what it wanted to do and did it well. The mechanics have a symbiosis with the map design the maps allow the mechanics to be used in fun ways/make the player feel like they are having an impact. You could write a book about this concept cause it's what really makes a great game. I see similar discussion is vampire bloodlines discussions and new Vegas threads

To bad well never get a system shock 3 with the current state of bio ware I don't think I'd want one. I do think we're gonna get some games like it though as people who are nostalgic for that era are just now getting into the industry proper

I never understood this complain. The most I can agree with that the AI can be very random and hard to know what its limitations actually are, which makes stealthing through the entire game a bit more of a chore but that's about it.