What's wrong with being a purist?

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They're just mad that they got filtered by the original game's graphics and will never actually play the real game. The funny thing is that the remake doesn't even make sensible changes that most fans would applaud, such as giving Rufus more screentime and building him up instead of abruptly dropping him on us, making him one of the last bosses and then ending the game telling us less about him than the original game did by that point.

It's a consoomer non-argument.

They can't justify the buying a lower quality product.

you're just closed-minded

Nothing wrong with being pure.

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Ask yourself where did the word Purist came from in the past month. All the reviews use that word and now everybody uses it.


purist = autist
brain problems basically

Nothing. Just don't play a game you know has time jannies, then complain the game has time jannies. Time jannies were revealed by Nomura last fucking year.

Attached: Final Fantasy VII Remake MC.png (675x342, 56.94K)

>someone asks you to make them a white door.
>you put some light grey engravings at the top.
>they complain
door purist.

Sensible Person
>someone orders you to make them a white door.
>you make them a dark green step ladder that doesn't work and also smear shit all over it.
>they complain

it's not even FF7

>What's wrong with being a purist?

>Time jannies were revealed by Nomura last fucking year.
To be fair, not to this extent.

Nothing, but the idea that the purists are seething because the game doesn't fall in line with ADVENT CHILDREN AND FUCKING CRISIS CORE is some tippy top keks.

noooo they can't retcon my favourite retcons! Please.

They were literally introduced as Watcher of Fate. That and Sephiroth showing up everywhere should've been major red flags for purist retards.

imagine thinking that by liking a retarded twist you're open minded and forward thinking.

I seethe about literally every piece of FF7 media that isn't the original game

What are you even talking about?

The retards that treat all of the post-FF7 materials as canon, and as though the remake has somehow 'tarnished' an already HEAVILY retconned game.

Of course there is always the possibility that it was a product of the time, hyped up beyond all proportions and with a die hard blinded by nostalgia fan base.
Then they make it into a good game and peeps bleat on about the past like old people bleat on about TV and the Internet being evil.... #sad

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Can't you fuckers keep your autism to one thread?

There may be two or three people mad about some Advent Children retcons in the remake (what even are those retcons) but I don't see any reason to angrily post about those three people.

idk why anyone even looks at square enix anymore, they haven't made a good game since they merged and should just be ignored.
let the normies eat up their FFXV with a 7 skin and play better games.

>it's not even FF7
Ofc it isn't. It's FF7:Remake.

You're kidding right? What about fucking Crisis Core? People have a boner for that game. People complained about them retconning Zack's death - the retcon that's already been retconned twice before. Let's face it the people moaning about the remake are the 'late to the party' players LARPing as people they played the OG when it was relevant.

People have a boner for Zack. They can't stand Genesis or most of the main plot of Crisis Core. They just like Zack, his few scenes with Cloud, and maybe Cissnei because she was cute.
The only thing that was retconned about Zack's death was the details of his last stand, specifically how many people killed him and how much of a fight he put up. He stilled died in the same place in the same circumstances. Crisis Core shouldn't matter for the remake anyway.

Are you talking about the people who don't like how "problematic" , "racist" , and "Objectifying muh women" this game is?
Or do you mean people who want the game to be a 1 : 1 remake?
Because there are two different definitions of Purist these days. Or maybe I am thinking of Puritans...

>Of course there is always the possibility that it was a product of the time, hyped up beyond all proportions and with a die hard blinded by nostalgia fan base.
nah, it's good

why doesn't my poop work? I'm scared.

it's not a remake.

Nobody knew what they were back then, dimwit.

>Or maybe I am thinking of Puritans

>people moaning about the remake are the 'late to the party' players LARPing as people they played the OG when it was relevant.
Played it in 99. Watched Advent Children, thought it was passable as a dumb action movie, actively avoided most of compilation. Watched Last Order once, hated it. Still hate remake.

Nobody knew what they were back then, retard.

It's simple.
People want to feel like they won something so they target the people that don't like what they like and shit on them.

Fuck. They sound similar and seem like they would mean the same thing.