Games Literally Only You Have Played

post em

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a lot of people played the Project RUB games though. Feel the Magic was one of the first games released for the DS.

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lots of people played this game during the DS era.

Obscure would be something like THIS.

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Pretty sure lots of people played one of the very few launch games on DS.

I still own this game actually. It was super fun.

Why are the OP examples always the worst possible ones? Is it because people who make threads are retards?

shrek fairytale freakdown

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i'd feel her magic if you know what i mean

I remember it wasn't even sold in my country and I got my dad to order it online for me.
It was pretty neat.

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A bit simple but a blast to play desu

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Shame it's dead

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shogun for dos

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damn that feel the magic picture was an early fap for me, must have seen advertisements
anyone else?

Zen intergalactic ninja. I used to love this on gameboy. Never met anyone else who played it

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Whenever I talk to people, other than here, no one seems to know what this gem is.

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I enjoyed the prequels alot, so i thought this would be good too.
But I was wrong.

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Never played Hotel Dusk but I did play Last Window

"Okay just, imagine this, take all the good things from 999 Zero Escape, Danganronpa, Phoenix Wright and Ghost Trick, now take away all the character charm and anything that makes the series stand out but give it a good plot"

No wonder why it didn't sell, it didn't stand out at all

I'm the reverse, Hotel Dusk was my jam, but never got around to Last Window.
Try as I might, I can't argue with trips. I agree the marketing for the game was practically nonexistent.

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Was it good?

It's a shame honestly.

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Elemental Gearbolt
Run Saber

Very good. One of the only games ive ever played that actually feels sexy and sensual without being lame coomer shit.

Not the game in general , but on this specific platform. Ran like shit, looked like shit, but it still ran

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Only played the second one, was pretty shit at management, probably could do a much better job now that I'm older

This game was very tedious to the point it stopped being fun


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There was at least a little bit of character charm

You enjoy the old 16 bit games but not this? Makes no sense. 63 1/3 is hands down the best Clay Fighters.