Uncertainty in your story is good

>Uncertainty in your story is good
>Nomura good
>Its not a remake its a requel

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Why do white people surrender their genes like this

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Why do you care what this guy says? He panders to the lowest common denominator since it's how he has such a big following and makes money.

The surface level of interest of anything is always very shallow. There are far better JRPGs to be playing than Final fantasy in 2020.

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Because they would rather not stick their dick where Jamal slimed

>shilling for Butterfinger just days after saying it's a bad candy bar

MoonMoon's stream was better.

so Yas Forums dislike ff7 remake because this cuck told them to? im not surprised

what happens when you settle for best you can get before popularity and are stuck

That cuck gave it a 15/10 and said it's a top 5 game

He married a bloke with hair as long as his, huh?

Max may have just accepted and coped with the ending but Vinny is gonna be speechless and probably laugh just like he did with Chrono Cross's ending

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She really looks like a man in this picture

>Its not a remake its a requel
A what?

Vin's going to go full mental, I feel.

i'm watching the ultimate FF7 fan carefully explain why FF7's story was actually boring and we don't need to see that shit anymore

It's actually really funny.

That guy is a cuck 100% confirmed, can't take his opinion seriously.

remake + sequel

You know

A requel. Remake sequel. Cause thats logical with this game.

>hardly ever see this guys face on Yas Forums over the years
>suddenly fucking everywhere

is this guy the world expert on everything FF7? What is this shit.

Who the fuck actually eats butterfingers? Disgusting.

No, he's just the guy that likes FF7 the loudest because of his following.

When he said FF15 is his favorite FF after FF7, I bowed out.

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remember when this guy got btfo in guilty gear

He's right. Requels are superior to remakes and I'm honestly happy that we got one instead of a boring remake.

they're both hideous
hope they don't have kids

"It's fine because we still don't know stuff"

but the whole reason the devs made the changes is supposed to be because everyone knows everything

I think oddworld fans know the pain more when remakes change way too much for no reason. Soulstorm is gonna be FF7R tier cause Lorne is Nomura.

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One's on the way.

I think i have a few of the early OGs of Ys on Steam, havent played em much yet.

Are they FF where all separate, or are they sectored/segmented or....?

Also are all the newer ones on Steam, or are some PS4 only?

His channel's schtick is that he's a 90's kid that loved the classics. For reasons unknown he has gone full shill cuck mode for the remake.

He's mostly known as a fighting game guy but FF7 is his "favorite game of all time". He's also connected to SBF and Yas Forums never shuts up about those fucks

She probably sucks dick like you wouldn't believe though.

the absolute state of this man

"It's exciting that things aren't the same and there are so many possibilities. ... Oh but they better not change too much."


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>Pretends to like fighting games
>Praise MK, MVC Infinite and KI
>Biggesy fan of FFVII
>Like Advent Children and Remake ending
He's a shill. Most of its aidience is 15 to 20 yo kids that just parrot everything he says.

After slamming Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core. I don't know how much they pay him but holy shit I hope he comes out and says how retarded it is soon.


Meanwhile chat is telling him the whole time that KH has countless questions with no answers where characters and backstories still dont get resolved. He doesnt realize nomura cant be trusted.

>remake demo shows Shinra destroying their own reactor, contributes to new subplot about lumping them in with Wutai
>Remake ending breaks Destiny itself so future parts will do whatever the fuck SE wants
We won't know if this will pay off for another 20 years, stop watching ecelebs and stop making these threads

>> Remake ending
That ending was KINO.

He;s hoping for a cute happa girl he can sexually abuse.

>For reasons unknown he has gone full shill cuck mode for the remake.

hes been explaining it on stream for like 90 minutes now. the reason is he liked it

Remember when he got utterly destroyed in Guilty Gear and then became butt blasted about it and deleted the stream

Can't believe James Chen finally went through with HRT and married CHINDER CHAGGER. Pure kino.

Vinny already smelled something wrong the moment sephiroth shows up in chapter 2. The time jannies only make it more sad.