*shows him just a finger*

>*shows him just a finger*

Why is he so fucking retarded? He is like 27 and he laughs at unfunny shit like a fucking braindead 13 yo imbecile which is what his viewers are. Are all swedes like this?

Attached: happy easter.jpg (238x318, 11.94K)

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He gets paid to be himself. Do you?

I'm pretty sure his income is just neetbux.

have you ever considered just not watching him? I used to hate vinny’s complete retardation when it came to anything even remotely complex, so I had a stroke of genius:
“what if I stop watching him playing more demanding games?”
and just like that the problem solved itself


joel doesnt even like it when people donate to him


I like Joel and you can't not make me.

>Why is he so fucking retarded?
He's a Swede.

Women get paid to be whores. What's your point?

Joel sounds like Shadman. So no, I don't like him.

Jerma, Joel, and Vinny are all the same person.



Attached: b6xa2ujdr2d31.png (640x815, 208.2K)

>tfw joel said that joke actually pisses him off

Twitch streamers get ad revenue, dumbass

Yeah what, like 14,88 $ per month?

thats not the point

he doesn't stream as a job, he does it for fun

Doesn't he have like an office job or something? I swear he had a real job at some point.

I bet you'd like to be as happy as him. Be jealous in silence.

So junkies are also happy especially when they are high af?

mainly just subs for him

I remember in a Q&A from years back that he went to college, so he probably majored in something, and made a job off of that


>sees n-word on game
>loses his shit

>guy is happy about life and has a lot of fun
>oh but heroin junkies get happy too!
What the fuck are you on, nigga?

Attached: xyVKRUU5WEs.jpg (500x407, 19.89K)

>loses his shit
Little exaggerate there, lad

For how many subs he has to unlock that many emote slots, he's getting at least a couple thousand a month from twitch.

he seems to enjoy what he does so thats the issue?

Yeah just like how let's players enjoy the SUSPENSE and HORROR in jumpscare indie games. He is fake af. Just like amerisharts with their fake smiles.

literally where nigger i don't watch an hour of shitty bing bigng wahoo

he timestamped the video you fucking retarded mouthbreather, it didnt used to say edgy in 2nd place it said nigger death

looking at the vod yt channel its just random game (part 1) 20 times over, does this ADD clown ever come back to anything?


yeah but why does that make you so mad? its not like you have to watch it.


This was funnier and subtler

I still find 13 year old humor funny and I hate myself for it.

Another note, doesn't Joel have the virus?

Virus? You mean corona?


>are all swedes like this?
Here's a (You), OP, for adding another point to the idea that I should perhaps just disregard anyone that unnecessarily brings race into the topic at hand. Now, excuse me while I disregard your pitiful existence.

no he said it was just a flu and the doctor told him to just stay home
hes streaming soon again as well

He likes stupid shit, which is what makes him more enjoyable to watch than Vinny. It's like having that one retarded friend who shows you stupid stuff he found on the internet, and you kind of can't help but laugh at how easily amused he is.