What the fuck is the best way to play this game?

What the fuck is the best way to play this game?
>SNES with retranslation patch
>GBA with music/color/uncensor patch
>PC with graphics patch (doesn't fix terrible UI)

Attached: Final_Fantasy_VI.jpg (425x234, 26.81K)

Other urls found in this thread:


US snes rom with this patch romhacking.net/hacks/1386/

Then play it on a new 3DS with VC injection.

Why on a 3DS?

not him but come the fuck on
>not wanting to play jrpgs on the go

I'm not exactly going anywhere at this moment sadly

Why are people obsessed with Ted's translation anyways, I always hear that it was pretty inaccurate

The original SNES version, no patches.

>ruining Ted Woolsey's masterpiece

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well there’s always the comfort factor of playing a handheld in bed or wherever in the house, but that’s just me. if you don’t see any positives by all means just get it on your emulation station of choice

What a so masterful about it


It was inaccurate in places and took liberties in others, but it was lively and brought a lot of characterization to the world.
The GBA translation isn't as wooden as it's made out to be, and does retain some lines from the SNES version. Both are good, just don't play the GBA version without the music patch.

Attached: but soul.jpg (501x444, 79.43K)

Does the music patch work that well?
I've tried it and for some reason it sounds a little off to me from what I hear on YouTube

Is the GBA content even that good?
It adds the post-game dungeon and 4 new Espers. What do the Espers even do? I don't know much about the game.

Play the PlayStation 1 version on emulator you retard.

You purchase it through legal means instead of pirating and doing harm to the gaming industry.

>What the fuck is the best way to play this game
By not playing it. Its shit.

Woolsey's translation is the only reason people care about Kefka. He barely has personality in the original script.

The Game Boy Advance version will always sound more "off" than the real music, it's just the limitations of the hardware.

>doing harm to the gaming industry
>pirating a game that's a quarter century old

Piracy is illegal and immoral as all the rights are still reserved by the copyright holder and people who play pirated copies are doing so without the consent of the copyright holder.

Why 3DS instead of vita? you can play all the best version of FF1-10 on vita with the amazing dpad.

Holy fuck the soundtrack to this game is probably one of my all time favourite soundtracks


>purchasing the game and giving money to SE
>a company that only keeps fucking up and fucking over old fans constantly
Retard. You got lost on your way to plebbit.

what vita emulator even runs GBA without fps or sound issues?
mGBA has native resolution, but runs poorly.

>that butchered Kefka speech
Woolsey made it poetic.

gpSP through adrenaline is better than mGBA unless you play 3D games.

I've always liked the GBA version with the sound and color restoration patches

SNES with the Horse Show hack

Attached: 1482716274857.png (547x458, 385.94K)

Tried this recently through retroarch, the emu's themselves on vita and even the psp versions of the emulators through adrenaline since someone said these are better.

All have sound issues with FF6, especially with the restored music patch.

Try it, on the intro on the high volume bit when the FF6 logo appears after the lightning clouds, sound lags and sounds like shit. Then again when it is scrolling through scenes with the intro text.

Compare it to a PC emulator. I couldnt find anything on Vita to play it properly.

They teach you spells when you link them to a character and level them up. You can also summon them but it's not really necessary because normal magic is pretty broken already and doesnt cost as much MP. As for GBA content, it isn't particularly anything amazing but hey, more is more right?

The GBA translation is incredibly soulful and extremely underrated, one of the best translations I've ever seen due to how it manages to be almost 100% accurate to the Japanese text without being dry and simplistic like subtitles.

There are a lot of mods for the PC version that fix things like the UI. I haven't tried it yet but it's worth looking into.

Just patch the SNES version with this.

Attached: 1566373540934.jpg (827x759, 601.16K)

Original SNES release for your first time through. No mods or any of that shit.


DO. NOT. LISTEN. To people telling you to play the GBA version. It has lower resolution than the SNES and hence breaks every piece of art in the game as well as the aspect ratio and random shit like that. Music cannot be fixed despite people telling you it can be with patches.

*Always* play the original version of *any* old game you go back to play.