
What do they need to do to stop you from seething every time it is mentioned?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why am I supposed to hate this game again? They put the ogre version of kaitlyn jenner in the game and make them killable. Memes aside, this game is going to be mediocre.

Because it's a cyberpunk game that will have a dystopian portrayal of a future, full of degeneracy, decadance, moral corruption and all that stuff. Shocking, I know

pay me

Show some fun looking gameplay with interesting game systems. That's literally it.

A cure for autism.
Thats it.
I mean you have to be autistic to shitpost a game, that isnt even released, for over a year
Pic related.
And this is only one guy in these threads and he comes online everyday and posts the same shit.

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CDPR only make good story and characters
gameplay and combat is always trash
enjoy cyberwitcher with guns

there's a lead-based cure for that

Attached: doug.jpg (1000x1000, 114.3K)

Go back to being an RPG as opposed to an openworldadventuregame or whatever they're calling it now.

I certainly hope he's getting paid for this.