
What do they need to do to stop you from seething every time it is mentioned?

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Why am I supposed to hate this game again? They put the ogre version of kaitlyn jenner in the game and make them killable. Memes aside, this game is going to be mediocre.

Because it's a cyberpunk game that will have a dystopian portrayal of a future, full of degeneracy, decadance, moral corruption and all that stuff. Shocking, I know

pay me

Show some fun looking gameplay with interesting game systems. That's literally it.

A cure for autism.
Thats it.
I mean you have to be autistic to shitpost a game, that isnt even released, for over a year
Pic related.
And this is only one guy in these threads and he comes online everyday and posts the same shit.

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CDPR only make good story and characters
gameplay and combat is always trash
enjoy cyberwitcher with guns

there's a lead-based cure for that

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Go back to being an RPG as opposed to an openworldadventuregame or whatever they're calling it now.

I certainly hope he's getting paid for this.

sure everything with skill trees and stast is an RPG

But I don't care
I love talsorian's cyberpunk (which ironically also has an awesome setting but shitty system, ala witcher games) in 2000s the rpg was more or less dead, kept alive by one fansite. We made custom adventures, custom rule set (to fix that shit of a system) etc.
I'm happy that in few months there will be tons of people who will want to play tabletop in the setting of night city.

I wrongly thought it was an ACTUAL rpg because some of the early wordsalad and stuff reminded me of older actual rpgs and immersive sims, nothing to do with Wtcher.

Its funny how a msall vocal minority convinced themselves that the combt is bad.
Its like people never played a TES or Fallout game before.
Or a Final Fantasy game.
Or Death Stranding.
Or one of the games that end up with a score below 50 and is immediatly forgotten.
No the game that won most GOTY awards has "trash" combat and gameplay lol. Its like people dont even think about their shitty memeopinuon before they post it.
I played games that were literally broken where the enemy hutbox was so bad clear hits didnt were recognized. Combat so shitty enemies were either unkillable or you could steamroll the entire game with only clicking one button.
And yet somehow i see people claiming that Witcher 3 is trash. This can only result in 3 options:
Either the person who claimed this ridiculous opiniond oesnt play many games
is a fucking retarded meme spouting faggot
is a butthurt Souls/Bethesdafanboy

same with me, im not hyped but will pirate it as always
I hope this game will have actual classes instead of dogshit witcher style

->Action role-playing

>Action role-playing video games (often abbreviated action RPG or ARPG) are a subgenre of role-playing video games.
--> RPG
>Role-playing video games use much of the same terminology, settings and game mechanics as early tabletop role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons.[2] Players control a central game character, or multiple game characters, usually called a party, and attain victory by completing a series of quests or reaching the conclusion of a central storyline. Players explore a game world, while solving puzzles and engaging in combat. A key feature of the genre is that characters grow in power and abilities, and characters are typically designed by the player.[1] RPGs rarely challenge a player's physical coordination or reaction time, with the exception of action role-playing games.[3]

Role-playing video games typically rely on a highly developed story and setting,[4] which is divided into a number of quests. Players control one or several characters by issuing commands, which are performed by the character at an effectiveness determined by that character's numeric attributes. Often these attributes increase each time a character gains a level, and a character's level goes up each time the player accumulates a certain amount of experience.[5]

Literally meeting all the definition for a Role Playing game. Cannot wait for the cope now

>mfw still looking forward to it, just a little sad at cut features
I think it's still gonna be a lot of fun and better than any other RPG hitting this year

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Wish you luck man, i've been feeling some of that shit on Shadowrun as 6e sucks omega balls so i've been doing some custom stuff for 5e

>mfw they changed the game genre from RPG to action adventure

Then again I think some stupid explanation like "marketing says people are intimidated by RPGs" could be the real reason for that and not some insidious shit people are speculating. Yes, industry is that stupid.

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you are retarded here
I finished witcher + dlc and enjoyed it
just said my opinion

RPG without ACTUAL classes or/with races is a fucking dogshit not an RPG
but everything what you copy paste from wiki is right

Alpha Protocol doesn't really have classes and it's fucking great

Being an rpg, having good gameplay and good music

it's just not something I'd expect from cdpr. ea, for sure.

Remove rap.

>RPG without ACTUAL classes or/with races is a fucking dogshit not an RPG
>Fallout is a shit rpg

This. If anything It's an accurate look into our future and I prefer that over 24 hour night time and fucking neon lights everywhere.

It doesn't look or feel cyberpunk. Seems like a shitty GTA clone with a sci-fi setting. Oh and whoever though FPS was a good idea is a fucking moron. Absolutely zero interest.

classes is a one thing
having option to roleplay as a member of factions is a core shit in rpg
in witcher you can only roleplay as witcher so every game is an RPG i guess

Not him and don't agree with that statement, but if you're looking at a game like fallout, what meaningful role-playing does witcher have? Isn't the only character you play already decided?

Release the game

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>having option to roleplay as a member of factions is a core shit in rpg
Yes, Fallout 1 has so many factions.
>Darklands is also a shit rpg
\v\ never fails to amaze

>what meaningful role-playing does witcher have?
Don't care, I'm not defending witchers or cdpr.

I have very few complaints other then the soundtrack being shit.

Good looking gameplay from a nighttime scenario that has good atmosphere.

>Darklands is also a shit rpg
it is a shitty rpg but good adventure game

I thought you were the guy who argued it was an rpg. Which without any concrete roleplaying, it's not.

>I thought you were the guy who argued it was an rpg

c'mon man, you're supposed to say "not him but.." when you jump in like that.


witcher have some RPG elements but overall its still dogshit not an RPG
like i said everything today with skill trees and numbers is a fucking RPG
thats all

Nothing they can do. CDPR seems to be past its zenith and reaching that stage where studio becomes bloated with various paper pushers and other undesirables who contribute nothing in actual creative process, as well as taking in too many pozzed foreigners, and it's only downhill from there.
Eve if it will be a good game, in which most people are right to doubt, I'm willing to bet that this will be last good game of this studio.