Is this a balanced boss, Yas Forums?

Is this a balanced boss, Yas Forums?

Attached: IMG_20200419_161711.jpg (1330x960, 137.21K)

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does it occupy 4 squares?
takes one hit to kill, same as any other piece?
where does it spawn pawns?
does it spawn a pawn each turn?

I see you also follow Pelo on twitter.

What the fuck, that's so retarded. If he can just shit out pawns, it's no use

>does it occupy 4 squares?
>takes one hit to kill, same as any other piece?
takes five hits
>where does it spawn pawns?
around itself randomly
>does it spawn a pawn each turn?
bare in mind its the only figure presented on the map at the start of the game

>takes five hits
How, do pieces that attack him just stop before him? Then they'll just get recaptured. Also wouldn't work with knights

I want a chess campaign full of shit like this. Maybe have like a permadeath and a roguelite feature

>in chess

That board is fucked, supposed to be white on right

if it gets to the other side of the board it can shit out endless queens so i would say it is not a balanced boss

Duelyst but it's dead now.

>takes five hits
what the fuck are you talking about

assuming player is white, queen should be on their own color, but the white corners go each players close right. Board needs to be rotated 90 degrees. As for the boss idk, what are the red X spots? What happens when a piece hits the boss? Can the Boss move itself into check? Also typo in pic under boss, "Spanws"

Not him, but I’d have it so you gotta sacrifice your pieces so you do damage. It’d be like a boss encounter.

Seemed fairly easy, until i saw it gets two turns in a row, so if the boss can stall very briefly it gets some decent protection going on.
Towers, Bishop and Queen cant move until the second move at least, so thats already a total of two/four pawns (depending on who went first), with more to come as your more mobile units get out of the backline, while said pawns are keeping him safe.
I assume the boss can eat at least two pieces at once due to it's size, so thats also something.

>gets to move 2 turns in a row
This seems broken. Literally just kamikaze into the other side and you'll win

Couldn't you kite him into the middle and just have pieces dash through him?

that's kind of sick actually

so it's literally impossible to stop for five of your turns and ten of yours

it will just walk into your king and take it

Not OP, but I’m gonna fix his wacky idea and see if we can do more.

It’s just the tower, and 6 pawns surrounding it. Still just one turn, but it’ll spawn endless pawns in the squares surrounding it each turn. (Only 1 pawn per turn). Pawns have a separate turn from the tower. You have to kill it before it reaches your side of the board. If it advances on one of your pieces (or multiple) it instantly captures them. It takes 5 hits to take it down, but doing so will cost you that piece, obviously, the king can’t kill it. It will also win if it captures your king by advancing on it. It’s a sort of unique boss encounter, where the goal is to “take down” the tower by capturing it 5x before it reaches the other side. Be quick!

I'd stand up, unzip my pants, and hotglue it

Well, I fixed it here The goal IS to stop it. Any piece can deal damage to it baring the king. Just position your pawns so that if it advances 1 square, you can sac a pawn to do damage. Also, by removing the corner whatever op had, you also have the option of mad dashing the sides for extra knights, as knights will be easy ways to jump in and dish out damage.

that's even fucking worse, the pawns just block your pieces and it only takes 6 turns for it to reach your side

have you lot ever played chess or seen a chess board in your lives

Have you? If it moves like a king then it can’t advance on its own pawns. So long as the ones in front are in the way, it can’t move forward, and if the path ahead is completely open, then it’s an easy victory.

If you want weird chess variants that are actually playable and somewhat balanced, I've heard that you can do regular setup for white vs. king and the c-f pawns for black, but black gets to move twice every turn.

You have to take all of blacks pieces away and half of his pawns because 2 moves per turn is absolutely crushing. That setup makes it very roughly equal, and you get a lot of mind-bending calculations and creativity with this system without having to make up new pieces.

Attached: 1493254827479.jpg (500x706, 171.94K)

So five of your six turns you need to deal damage to it?

No kings can’t advance on their own pawns. The pawns get a separate turn, but the two in front have to be totally out of the way before it can advance. It’s gonna take it way more than 6 turns for it to get to your end. At least 15-20. Plan it out in your head.

There we go, I fixed OP's concept. I actually do quite like this idea, within the context of some whacky anime styled chess game kinda like

Attached: cheeses.jpg (1330x960, 505.94K)

rate my OC

Attached: kb.png (1200x672, 150.48K)

I don't follow.

it can either
>go diagonally like a bishop till it hits the wall, then continue going at a 90 degree angle till it hits another, then once more
>go up/down/sideways like a rook
the passive ability is when it destroys any piece that faces the direction opposite of the square kingsbane's moving through (pieces face the direction they last moved in)

based roguebro, after playing demon crawl (minesweeper roguelite) I have noticed how much potential there is with transforming other very simple games through this formula