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The baked lighting in this game is so good

I miss it bros, will it ever come back?

I wonder if I should play the second part, although part 1 was flawed I did like it

This is my favourite game. I really wish it got a proper sequel. I didn't even play the actual sequel it got.

At 2:22 I didn't know you could do that. I always run up the stairs. When my new monitor comes I'm going to play this game again in IPS goodness.

Kinda hard to play this game when you're colorblind.

Are you?

No it isn't. There's an option to turn the red off for a reason. It also gives you markers.

Hope we'll see another sequel soon

Literally one of the best looking games ever and it's from 2008

That's not going to ever happen. There's no way for EA to milk the shit out of this IP.

Amazing game, in my personal 3x3.

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I remember having my eyes glued to the back of the case from when I got it at the store to when I got back home, I had no idea what I was getting into but I had a great feeing about it. The main theme combined with the shots of the city vista are breathtaking. It’s a really unforgettable game and it’s a shame they couldn’t make a good open world for the sequel. It had so much potential. Also was really confused why they went with a reboot and an insufferable new cast of characters.
I can’t wait for Dying Light 2 but even as a current gen game it can’t top the beauty of ME1’s city.

There's a better way to do that.
Use the vertical red pillars.

second game is literally a reboot. no ties at all to the first game, only takes some cues from the story. open world design, while makes total sense for a game like this, ends up being under utilized with barely anything to do beside user made challenges. side quests are few and the game takes like less than 15 hours to complete. story is a complete mess and lots of characters are introduced and never elaborated on or remain under utilized. the fucking ending is the most retarded thing you'll ever witness. the games only saving grace are the few landscapes that are nice to look at combined with the ambient music. the game went way too futuristic compared to the first and loses a lot of grounding in reality and makes you less immersed in what's happening.

actually jumping on that box then going up the pillar afterwards is the fastest way through that room

>dead space
>mirrors edge
>mass effect
2007 and 2008 were so good for EA.

>playing with runner vision on

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I don't know exactly what it is about Mirror's Edge, but it has that dreamlike quality to it that makes the free running feel so surreal. Feels like a real adventure, despite having such a homogeneous look. I think the only game that filled the hole this game left is Grow Home imo.

this game had THE best menu music ever


the ambient level tracks were also really good

It also has the better credits song named Still Alive from that year.



A truly underrated game, especially in visuals

Mirror's Edge is one of those games that makes gaming seem like a worthwhile endeavour.

Open world is exactly the reason I didn't play the sequel, funnily enough. That an a dash of the levelling system put me off.

I hope so. But only if there's genuine passion and effort behind the third entry and it's not just pushed out as a cash cow. I felt that Catalyst was a bit of a misstep anyway. As soon as I heard 'reboot' I was cautious.

It's the only game that has me going back to complete it 3-4 times a year. A think a legitimate complaint is that the story is pretty bare bones and you're never really given an example of what the runners are delivering as they're basically just couriers. But in a way I think it was kind of a strength.

god I love how the graphics still hold up even till now

>I didn't even play the actual sequel it got.
You're in luck, because not only was it shit but it wasn't even a sequel.
Which was really stupid considering the first game literally ended on a sequel-bait stinger.

ME's soundtrack still gives me goosebumps literally over a decade later.

shit genes

Never played it either. But from what I saw, the city looked like a puke ugly mess of weird architecture compared to the normal and realistic setting of the first. I never understood that, why did they nuke the city and rebuild it to be normal before the first game? Why did they decommission all those hover craft? Being serious though, they should have scrapped the second game and reworked it to be some sort of full on cyberpunk game.

Still looks better than a lot of modern games honestly.

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>The findings lend credence to the theory that people with red-green color blindness make good hunters or soldiers because they are not easily fooled by camouflage.

Meant to also say that the more grounded look of the first game helped better immerse you in the action. Which they were probably going for considering there was no HUD. Sometimes less is more.

>Was a time when the game industry wasn't as shit to the point that even EA still published cool shit like Mirror's Edge and Dead Space
>God tier soundtrack
>No major microtransaction bullshit, just a good fucking game

I wanna go back

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Totally wins in style and design, gun sounds are great as well.
IIRC nothing was like ME back when it was released. I bet so many kids started trying parkour just because of this game.
Sliding on the glass planes of a skyscrapper is so fucking good

Never tried ME2 though, is it good?

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