Who'd be better in bed?

Who'd be better in bed?
I think caroline would first be reluctant but really get into it and love sex.
Justine would probably be a gap-moe and moan like a bitch and talk a lot during sex.

I still cant decide though.

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Pedophiles should hang

They'd be best working together.

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Why do you most posts like this.

Fuck I'm gonna coooooooooooom

Why yes I do fap to the twins ho could you tell?

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Stop saying faster!

Upshorts are underrated desu.

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Caroline is the type to talk shit before, during and after sex. But she's a complete sub that is easily susceptible to mind break after a few minutes.

Justine is the type to stick Caroline's baton up your ass and make you call her Ma'am.

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Pretty spot on analysis user.

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Which one would be into pegging? I want that one.

Get help you disgusting pedophile.

>Getting arrested, then punished by Caroline and Justine

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Why do incels think jerking off to 2D depictions of children is okay?

Because they're not real, it's like being angry I'm killing fictional people in a game.

>hey, what those 10 years old would be like in bed
This place needs to be burned to the ground

of course one should be angry
what if the Fictional people in your game aren't bad people?
what will their families say?

i am hurting anyone by doing it? no, so yeah i will keep doing it.
real pedohiles and pederastian are dissgusting and deserves the rope tho

They'd call you a faggot

>what will their families say?
they will say nigggggggger

They do. Right outside the daycare.

Doesn't change the fact that you get off to depictions of children. Pedophiles who don't act on their urges are still pedophiles. The mental gymnastics you people do to try and cope is hilarious.

you already got your answer

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I want to pick up and kiss Caroline and/or Justine

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>real pedohiles and pederastian are dissgusting and deserves the rope tho
Backstabbing son of a whore.

I had to fap every time they got electrocuted by the electric chair during a fusion accident

>Justine will never call you lowlife trash

wtf bros

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Uummmmm they are like 8.

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You took a bit too many snacks did ya scoob? there are only 2

>when Lavenza starts moaning in her sleep on your bed

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she was moaning in pain...

>Pedophiles who don't act on their urges are still pedophiles.
If they don’t act and also don’t watch illegal stuff, then what’s the problem?

your fault for nor listening to Yas Forums about the fake lolicons

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>they are like 8.
that’s not my problem, scooby-dumb