I feel like you can tell how old a map in half life 2 is when they use hammer brush objects instead of models they...

i feel like you can tell how old a map in half life 2 is when they use hammer brush objects instead of models they already have
for example theres a part in nova prospect where to shut down a force field you have to throw a grenade into a room to blow up a plug
they already have a plug prop thats used in multiple areas before this but the plug is instead made with the hammer editors own physics object brush
nothing wrong with it just one of the few times half life 2 shows its age

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never even noticed. interesting. is that the only place where it shows up?

yeah, there are a few times i've felt like nova prospekt felt primitive or "unfinished" compared to the rest of the game
i guess it was one of the things that didn't get all that changed while rewriting the game


seems so
ive always found it weird looking whenever ive played through the game
same goes when you see more blocky looking grey pieces of wood the can be destroyed instead of the other wooden boards you see

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there is a part where a cliff is straight up just a cube or something iirc lol

nova prospekt and ravenholm definitely give off that feeling especially since atleast with ravenholm it was one of the earliest areas in the game even being developed before they implemented the physics for source

is that in the coast segment

Pee is stored in the balls.

I think so yeah

oh haha

dont you ever wish there was a mod that could fix half life 2s poorly aged geometry

Pretty sure Nova Prospekt was one of the few areas that was always part of the story, ever since the earliest inceptions.

yeah, why the fuck did people do this? were they just too retarded to use props? did it run faster on their shitty mid-2000's pcs? are modders just lazy now?

was either made before they made the plug thats used earlier in the game or they planned to replace it with the real plug and just forgot
the actually modeled plug is used earlier in nova prospekt so it could be the latter

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What? Where?

anybody just make a barricade when they have to deal with the turret sections in nova prospekt

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more like I consistently barricaded myself away from hl2 after this point. I can never bring myself to clear the game after getting to the end of nova prospekt for whatever reason. I already cleared the game and revisited it a ton, but the last bits always bore me and I can’t tell why

The city fight is kino though, at least up until where you have to shoot 500 missiles to kill 20 striders in a row.

i like the part right before you go into the citadel with the striders but the part before that trying to get into the building and after you take out the canon ontop of the nexus with the striders in the field are not very fun

This is true. The first alpha that leaked had Nova Prospect and Ravenholm maps that looked almost identical to the finished product.

Fuck that strider in the Citadel though

I know, but I always drop the game anyway. the farthest I got was in MMOD where I managed to drag myself through until the square standoff against the combine, but then the mod shat the bed and my weapons straight up wouldn’t work anymore after that section. really bothered me

don't remember exactly, sorry
think it was the coast

In hindsight, Half Life 2 was pretty obviously rushed after the leak.

i never found it very difficult and it makes a decent end to the whole citadel climb as a whole being able to kill an enemy that gave you hell the past hour with just a couple energy balls

is mmod any good
what does it change

gunplay and combat balancing. it’s a pretty neat mod that doesn’t try to make hl2 some sort of super modernized fps, but still aims for a more polished experience than what vanilla had. I recommend checking it out if you feel tired of the old BAP BAP BAP BAP pistol

still one of the best games ever in terms of atmosphere and immersion for me

There's that one weird map towards the end of HL2, it's like a huge indoor factory space that feels like it was ripped straight from HL1. It doesn't have any context either. I always thought that it was a section they ripped from an older build of HL2 and randomly shoved into the end of the game to pad for length.

Anyone know the part I'm talking about?

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I always though HL2 (and Lost Coast) as the most badly aged and less polished Half-Life games compared to its episodes. This is probably one of the reason. It just looked way too drab, square modelled and unpolished compared to its successors.

I like lost coast, but I feel like both HL2 and EP2 aged like shit. I feel confident in saying Alyx is better than both of them.

Pure misconception. Half-Life 2 was in crunch mode even before the leak as shown by the launch date timer in the original leaked build being in 2003. No, they didn't change everything and go into full crunch mode to BTFO the leak, they already ditched it by then and most of the maps for the 2004 version are present in their unfinished state in the leak as well.

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I haven't seen anyone else discuss Source autism on this website so I want to bring this up despite being a different game, Has anyone else noticed how square and boxy the architecture in L4D2 is compared to 1? It's obviously due to the game being rushed out in a year but it's especially as apparent in the Savannah and New Orleans levels

So it would be more accurate to state that Valve went into their early 2000s game with a 1997 mapping sensibility. Not in terms of complexity like a lot of "old good new bad" nostaltards like to latch onto, but in terms of simplistic "everything is a rectangle" geometry.

It was supposed to be in the canals chapter, including a few maps right before it.

I might be talking out my ass here, but maybe they did that for performance reasons? I don’t know jack about how source works, but I assume they would like to cut as many corners as possible to let the gameplay be as smooth as possible with all the zombies running around


That wouldn't be the only thing Valve forced into the game. They removed the full body first person view the first game had, too.

It'd be more accurate to say that Half-Life 2's development and release rode the line of two different eras of shooter, and game as a whole, technology and design principles. Which is why you get this weird combination of faces that still animate pretty convincingly today and beds made out of level geometry instead of models.

>beds made out of level geometry

I think the bench in OP's image is meant to be a prison bed, though I could be mistaken.
You understand what I mean, though. The game straddles two different eras and it shows.