Why does Minecraft have good multiplayer while Terraria has garbage multiplayer?

Why does Minecraft have good multiplayer while Terraria has garbage multiplayer?

Attached: Terraria.png (1276x964, 2.38M)

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Why is there an ugly jpeg in the background

terraria has great multiplayer though
also journey's end confirmed may 16th

My are reasons beyond normal human understandings

2d games that are slow as fuck and pixel based having multiplayer is cringe as fuck is why

It's called soul, sweetie

You get it

Terraria sucks because multiplayer is just FISH FISH FISH and ignore everything by digging down
The game is completely trivialized by fishing and the game punishes you for NOT fishing

because terraria's biggest problem is that it devolves into bullet hell simulator eventually and there's no way to fix it

everything is a massive flying object shitting lasers and explosions and colliding with you while you WASDWDASDAWDSAD around the screen. Most of the fun is far before that's the norm.

>He doesn't have 5000 characters and 30 Terraria windows playing at the same time

250+ hours and I've not used fishing more than a few times back when it was useless (

>hate fishing
>force yourself to fish regardless
>get punished by some random areas of the map you weren't going to use getting corrupted over an impossibly long timescale
sounds like you're just dumb

Yeah it's fine if you're playing solo, you don't have to fish at all but OP is asking about the multiplayer
You have to worry about corruption more by not fishing because you get much better items quicker by fishing than you do by digging down. Much easier to clear the corruption


>everyone gets diamonds and builds nether portal within the first 5 minutes because it's piss easy
>everyone builds the same looking houses that server absolutely no purpose
>there is always some autists who cries about creeper holes and floating trees
>you just mindlessly build stuff for absolutely no reward or goal


>get in with your bros
>you all work together to build a huge base to house all the NPCs in, having easily accessable storage rooms and function as a defencing fort against bosses and mobs
>exploration is fun as fuck because you can always find some amazing loot to share with your bros
>boss fights are fun as fuck becusae all your bros have different weapons and armor and server different roles in the fights
>actually noticable game progression making you excited as fuck for the next session with your bros

Attached: 1.jpg (480x360, 16.57K)

terraria worlds are too small and become even smaller when you kill WoF and 75% of the map becomes uninhabitable

you can fish in terraria? whats it do? played for over a hundred hours on expert without fishing once.....

Also don't forget different builds so each bro gets different stuff and you can share the loot in a fair way that way.

The fish are used for potion ingredients and you can fish crates which contain ores (Including hardmode ones) and weapons you can find in chests

basic fish can be used to craft food for the well fed buff
uncommon fish can be used to craft buff potions
rare fish can be used as bait/money/tools/weapons depending
crates can be used to gather resources and unique area-based items

If you do decide to fish remember to use the pause glitch to allow for infinite fishing lines

But that's not an original Terraria background, faggots, it's just a shitty picture of a forest

what an empty and meaningless opinion ot have.

Holy shit how did you know it was photshopped?

This is my experience, but instead of bros, it's my siblings. My little sister and I do all the building, while my brother goes out and progresses and shares good equips with me so we can beat bosses together. Or he'll work on his super special once-per-server autist builds like when he built a huge skull into a mountain that also was a room for NPCs.

what did he mean by this

Terraria is better than Minecraft in every single way. Well, except for lacking an extra dimension, but I'd trade something useless like that for having better building, graphics, music, combat, progression, devs, community, etc.

Attached: 1584325807931.gif (500x400, 1.42M)

Okay but Minecraft has minigame servers and doesn't require friends

Pixels just didn't align, I knew something was off immediately. Might be because I played Terraria a lot.

It's not photoshopped

Why not just play Roblox if you want shitty minigames made by/for autists?

Or play an actually good multiplayer game that doesn't require friends, like Smash Ultimate?

Attached: 1564606473907.jpg (900x530, 95.58K)

At least you didn't notice that part of a tree branch is missing and the hotbar contains a cloud

Can you show your Apache in that screenshot? Asking for a friend.

sorry for the late reply- went and got as book.
it's "I am a pole and so can you" by the previously based stephen colbert..
mouse and keyboard in bed here we go.
let's go fishing bros.

>terraria has great multiplayer
How do I get a lazy session going without setting it up on a website?

i think the official terraria discord might have a channel dedicated to multiplayer server advertising, but don't quote me on that
outside of that you could ask in either these threads or the /vg/ thread which is sleeping right now don't go looking for it
i'm assuming by "lazy session" you mean a laid-back slow-paced vanilla server

i don't understand this thread how is terraria multiplayer garbage. because it doesnt have minigame servers? terraria is a game that is meant to be finished eventually so that doesn't really make sense.

At least the combat and mechanics evolve, unlike Minecraft.

no i need my infinite number treadmill dopamine simulator that's why terraria is bad