How come this fat fuck gets to live but Jessie dies

How come this fat fuck gets to live but Jessie dies

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why does Cloud wear eyeliner

Wedge is a good boy, he just wants to be useful and also eat a lot.

Youll probably see Jessie again because of alternate timelines or some bullshit

Was it even confirmed he lived? I can't remember if he's shown again after the time jannies threw him out a fucking window.

I couldn't even tell they threw him out the window, but that's the last time you see him.

Im with you user, since it cuts to black we can safetly say that the fucker is alive.
Since we got so many scenes with the fatty i thought Oh ya, he´s gonna die...nope.

>after the time jannies threw him out a fucking window

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You hear the sound of glass breaking and he originally died by falling in the original timeline, so I assumed that's what happened.

Because fat old men are stronger than lanklets.

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he dies in the shinra tower

why do you insist on posting this ugly beta screenshot? they look terrible.

nah didnt show him die he'll be back because now no one dies and theres no blood or controversial elements :)

You're just mad because you're fat and useless like him.

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>Not wearing eyeliner
Shiggy diggy

Ah, so there was a sound cue. It's a hot spring for me and I don't want to chance already being billed for air conditioning with this pandemic shit so I had a fan blasting near me. Really killed my musical experience.

Jessie is the only one who got a full name and significant backstory. She's not gone.

Yeah, her backstory is just asking to be a date option at the Gold Saucer, since you go through that scene where you act in the play, and her whole thing is wanting to be an actress. It's too easy pandering for them not to.

>didn't play the fucking game

I'm so sick of Yas Forums talking shit about this game without knowing what the fuck they're talking about. Wedge gets Final Destination'd out of a fucking window by the whispers because he's supposed to be dead in the original game. He is DEAD.

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What's going to happen in part 2 is that they'll reveal you jumped to an alternate timeline at the end of part 1 and Jessie is alive and working as an actress in the gold saucer.

Doubtful. We never see the body and they show Biggs still alive. That shit was as much of a death confirmation as when they faded out on the section of the plate dropping on him earlier in the game.

why does sephiroth wear eyeliner

Plus he even had that internal monologue of just wanting to help or something. Are they really going to go that dark route of having Wedge live just long enough to fail to fight against destiny and eat shit in despair? Is this going to be the Eternal Punishment of Final Fantasies?

Because he's based as fuck. I mean come on, can't we have one good fat BRO character survive and help the gang for once?

That line made me think he was going to die sacrificing himself for something.

Like I can see him surviving this, but dying for real down the line.

to draw heat from simps

>Cloud created a new universe using the lifestream after Aerith got stabbed
>Sephiroth and the Ghosts are trying to change it back

I could see this happening

What the fuck is the point of the time jannies in a story with an altered timeline? It's like going to a theme park and not being allowed on any of the rides.

Kill Hojo? Forbidden!

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Presumably since they turned into golden sparkles at the end the altered timeline will be able to do more. But I got no clue what's in store anymore.

Anyone here fatter than him?

>f alternate timelines
It's a sequel user, they changing the destiny of the original.

>'m so sick of Yas Forums talking shit about this game without knowing what the fuck they're talking about.

Notice how a lot of the people bitching about not being the same game also havent played it.
Fucking plebs, they are trying to ruin the fun for next game.

Literally me.